Hay Bale Maze

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*about a month later...

"Hey kid, how was the interview?" Lorelai asked her daughter over the phone

"It was really good! I sat down we started talking and we just had so much to talk about, it was a great interview!"

"Wow that's great!"

"And she said she'd call me by tomorrow to let me know if I got the job" Rory reported to her mother

"Wow, tomorrow?" She asked a little shocked

"I know everything is happening so fast, I can't believe schools almost over. I can't believe it's spring already." Rory said

" Well, it is believe me we are lousy with spring flingers here"

"How are the spring flingers?"  Rory asked

"Oh you know, bright eyed and bushy tailed as ever. So you gonna make it this year?" Lorelai asked her daughter hopefully

" I do wanna come, but I wanted to check with you cause I wanted to make sure that it's ok that I bring Logan"

"Oh...yes of course!"

"Ok great, well I've gotta go but I'll see you later" Rory said

"Ok, bye hon"

"By mom" Rory said hanging up the phone


"Logan?" Rory called out as she walked into the apartment

"In here Ace!" He shouted from the bedroom "how was the interview?" He asked as she walked into the room

"It was really good! We had so much to talk about" she told him excitedly "she said she'd call me by tomorrow to let me know if I got the job"

"Wow, tomorrow already?!"

"I guess so" she shrugged and started to pack for their trip to stars hollow "ok, so I only need like 20 minutes and then we can head to stars hollow. I told my mom we'd meet her for lunch"

"Sounds good Ace" he said as he walked up behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist "I'm so proud of you, you know that right?"

"There's nothing to be proud of yet, I don't even know if I got the job"

"Well I'm proud of you anyway" he said and kissed her deeply

"Well what I really want is that internship at the New York Times" she told him

"And I'm sure you'll get it" he assured her "ok, so are you ready to go?"

"Yup let's go"


"There she is!" Luke called out from behind the counter "hi Logan"

"Hey Luke. Where's mom?" Rory asked Luke

"She's on her way, and heads up she's all excited" he warned her

"What's she so excited about? The spring fling festival?" She inquired

"Um...I uh...I think that maybe I'll just um...I think I'll let her tell you" Luke stuttered out

"Ok..." she said eyeing Luke suspiciously "can we sit anywhere?"

"Sure" he said

"So this is Luke's" Logan said

"Yup" Rory said

"It's nice" he said

"Well we like it" she responded looking at her phone

"Relax Ace they'll call when they call, now put the phone down" he said softly

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