A trip to the E.R

435 11 8

November 13th 2018- 13 weeks

"Mrs Huntzberger?" An internet interrupted the editors meeting

"What is it, Kelly? We're busy" Rory said

"There's a phone call for you, in your office" Kelly told her

"Is it urgent?" Rory asked, slightly annoyed at the interruption

"It's from your daughter's school" Kelly said

"Excuse me" she said. Rory walked out of the conference room and into her office. "Hello?" She said, putting the phone to her ear "what?!...is she ok?!...I'll be there as soon as I can" Rory hung up the phone, grabbed her stuff and ran out of her office

"Mrs Huntzberger?" A different intern, Jack asked

"Jack! Perfect. I need to leave. Please ask Laura to cover for me and tell her I said thanks" Rory said

"Is everything ok?" Jack asked

"I don't know" Rory sighed "my kid got hurt. I have to go"


"Hi. I'm Rory Huntzberger" Rory said to the receptionist at the school "I got a call that my daughter got hurt"

"Huntzberger..." the receptionist types something into the computer "she's in the nurses office. Walk down that hall, make a left, first door on the right"

"Thank you" Rory said and walked toward the nurses office.

Rory walked into the nurses office to see Em laying on the bed with ice on her knee, crying.

"Em, what happened?" Rory walked over to her

"Mommy" Em curled into Rory. Rory hugged Em.

"Mrs Huntzberger" the nurses walked over "Em was in PE, playing volleyball she collided with another student and fell, hurting her knee"

Rory just stared at the nurse

"School policy for injuries is to call a parent first, before an ambulance" the nurse told her

"Did you call my husband? He's the first contact so he should be here by now if you called him first"

"We called him first but his secretary insisted he couldn't talk, so we called you"

"Ok" Rory sighed and stroked Em's hair

"Would you like us to call an ambulance?" The nurse asked

"Yes. Please" Rory said

Half an hour later Rory was standing next to Em, why was laying on a bed in the emergency room. She has called Logan from the school.

"Dad!" Em saw Logan walk into the ER

"Logan" Rory sighed, in relief

"What the hell happened?" Logan asked

"Logan, language" Rory reminded him


"I was in PE and we were playing volleyball and me and Alexis went to hit the ball at the same time and we crashed into each other and I fell and then I couldn't get up" Em said

"Mr and Mrs Huntzberger?" A nurse asked, walking up to them

"Yes" Logan's said

"We'd like to take Emilia upstairs for some scans now" the nurse told them

"What scans?" Logan asked

"We suspect that Emilia dislocated her knee so we'll need a X-ray to confirm. We'd also like to do an MRI to rule out ligament tears" the nurse explained

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