Rings and requests

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"Ok, I'll see you when I get home" Logan said into his phone "love you too Ace" and then he hung up

"You guys really can't spend an evening without talking to each other can you?" Finn asked teasingly

"Finn" Logan warned

"Sorry mate but it's true"

"He's not wrong" colin added taking a sip of his drink

"Whatever, I called you guys for a reason" Logan told his best friends

"Really, you didn't call us to come to Washington DC just to sit in a bar with us?" Finn asked faking offense "I'm offended"

"Me too" colin added and Logan just rolled his eyes

"We have a very important errand to run boys" Logan told them without disclosing any details

"Care to clue us in, mate?" Finn asked annoyed

"Not yet" Logan said smirking "let's go" and they left the bar


"Logan what are we doing here?" Colin asked

"What do you think?" he said smiling widely

"I dunno mate, I can't imagine why we're in a jewelry store.  I mean obviously it's for reporter girl but it's not for her birthday and it's still a little early for christmas presents" Finn said  "where are you going?" Finn asked as he and Colin followed Logan to the back end of the store

"Holy shit!" Colin's eyes went wide as he saw what Logan was looking at "you're not!"

"Not what?" Finn asked. He couldn't see what was in the glass display case that Logan was looking at.

"I am" Logan confirmed smiling from ear to ear

"You are, what?!" Finn asked again, started to get annoyed

"I'm gonna ask Rory to marry me" Logan announced to his friends

"Fucking hell, mate!" Finn said with a look of utter shock on his face

"Hello gentlemen, can I help you?" A sales lady asked

"Well, our friend here needs an engagement ring" Finn said proudly patting Logan on the back

"Ahh, congratulations, anything specific in mind?" She asked Logan

"Not really, she has the most breathtaking blue eyes though, and I was thinking maybe sapphire" Logan told the sales lady

"Well over here we have rings with different stones" she said gesturing to a display case full of engagement rings with various different stones "feel free to peruse and let me know if you see something you like" and she left them to look

"What about that one?" Colin said pointing to an emerald ring

"Do you not know what a sapphire is?" Finn asked

"Guess not" Colin replied

"Ok we'll that's an emerald, sapphires are blue" Finn explained "mate you ok?" Finn asked as he looked at Logan who was just staring down at the glass case

"That's the one" he said with the beginnings of tears in his eyes at the thought of spending the rest of his life with the love of his life

"What?" Collin asked

"That's the ring" he said pointing at a gorgeous diamond and sapphire engagement ring "that's Rory's ring" he said with a sniffle

AN: picture of the ring at the end of the chapter.

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