The reunion

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April 30th 2013- 20 weeks

Logan and Rory were sitting at the kitchen table with the twins, eating dinner.

"Em, do you like it?" Logan asked Em after she tried broccoli

"It's like eating a little tree" Em giggled

"I'll take that as a yes" He chuckled

"Hey, before I forget" Rory turned to Logan "my 10 year high school reunion is this Saturday"

"Are you gonna go?" He asked

"I think so" she said "but you don't have to come with me if you don't want to"

"Don't be silly. I want to come" Logan told her "I think it'll be cool to see where you went to high school"

"I'll see if Alyssa can babysit" Rory said. Alyssa was a 17 year old girl who would babysit the twins sometimes


May 2nd 2013

"Ok" Dr Lee moved the ultrasound wand around Rory's growing belly "everything looks great. Would you like to know the sex?"

Rory and Logan exchanged a look

"Yes pleased" Rory smiled

"You're having a...boy" the doctor told her

"Ahh!" Rory squealed "that's so great. I mean I would've been happy either way, but a mini Logan will be so cute"

"A boy will be great, Ace" Logan bent down to kiss her

"Do you guys want pictures?" The doctor asked

"Yes please"


May 3rd 2013

"I can't believe you aren't gonna tell anyone" lorelai said, over the phone

"We want it to be a surprise" Rory chuckled

"But you know?" lorelai asked

"I know and Logan knows and my doctor knows and that's it until the baby's born"

"How am I gonna buy gifts for your kid if I don't know whether it's a boy or a girl?"

"You don't need to buy the baby any gifts, mom"

"But I want to" Lorelai whined

"Then her gender neutral stuff, because you won't know the sex for another 20 weeks"

"Fine" Lorelai pouted

"I have to go, mom. Bye" Rory said and hung up


May 4th 2013

"Is Paris going?" Logan asked as he and Rory got ready for Rory's high school reunion on Saturday evening

"I don't know" Rory told him "when I spoke to her she said that high school reunions are dumb"

The doorbell rang

"I'll get it" Logan said and walked out of the room. "Hi Alyssa" Logan said inviting the babysitter inside

"Hi" Alyssa said

"Girls, Alyssa's here!" Logan called up to the twins

Rory and both girls came down at the same time

"Hi Alyssa" Rory said

"Hi Rory" Alyssa waved

"Ok so we should be back by 11, but I'll call if that changes. We're going to be a couple of hours away but my step sister, April goes to nyu and you can call her if you need to and you can also call Logan's sister, Honor. Both numbers are on the cork board in the kitchen" Rory said

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