Smart babies

410 10 4

September 2nd 2013


"I'll get him" Logan said when Lucas started crying "you can't lift him, you'll rip your stitches"

Logan got out of bed, picked Lucas up and handed him to Rory so she could feed him.

"Remember when my mom said to carefully consider breastfeeding because it means that you can't get up with him when he wakes up in the middle of the night?"

"Yeah..." Logan said "you regretting your decision?"

"No" Rory assured him "I was just thinking that it's funny. She was wrong" Rory chuckled "you have to get up anyway because I can't pick him up"

"Mommy" Elle came into the room

"What's up, baby?" Rory asked

"Can I have cereal?" Elle asked

"Mommy's feeding Lucas. I'll get it for you" Logan got out of bed and took Elle downstairs

A few minutes later Rory walked into the kitchen with Lucas to see Logan sitting at the table with both girls who were eating cereal.

"Baby!" Em called out and ran to Rory "mama is Lucas gonna come to school with us?"

"No, he's too little" Rory told her

Logan took the girls to preschool around 9 and when he came back Rory was sitting on the couch, reading the paper and Lucas was in the bassinet next to her.

"Ace..." Logan said "Laura will be fine. The paper will be fine" he took the paper from her

Lucas started crying

"He's hungry" Rory said

"Here" Logan picked up Lucas and handed him to Rory so she could feed him.

"Mayo on your bagel?" Logan asked a few minutes later while he made breakfast for Rory and himself while Rory fed Lucas

"No thanks" Rory said

There was a knock at the door

"I'll get it" Logan said and when to get the door



"I'm exposed here" she reminded him

"Oh." he handed her a burp cloth which she draped over herself

Logan opened the door "April?"

"Hi Logan, is this a bad time?" April asked

"No. Come on in" Logan opened the door all the way for April to come in

"Oh! Sorry" April turned around when she saw Rory

"April, relax" Rory laughed "everything's covered"

"Right. Sorry" April said nervously

"What's going on?" Rory asked

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