Opening night

367 11 2

December 1st 2018- 15 weeks


"Oh boy! I would love to. I would really really love to" ...... "she's gonna send him to the sausage factory" ....... "I'll be back and I'll bring everybody presents"

"Elle, what are you doing?" Logan asked, gently, walking into Elle's room

"Practicing my lines" Elle said

"I see" Logan sat down on her bed


"Yes, Elle Belle?"

"What if I don't do a good job?" Elle asked, quietly

"Come here" Logan pulled Elle into a hug "that's not possibly. You are so talented, and so smart, and nobody could do a better job than you"

"But what if I forget?"

"You won't" Logan assured her "I promise"

Elle wrapped her arms around Logan's neck and rested her head on his shoulder

"I am so proud of you, and I can't wait to see you on stage" Logan whispered, hugging Elle tight "but it's late and you have a long day of rehearsal tomorrow. It's time for bed"

Logan tucked Elle into bed and checked on Em and Lucas before joining Rory in bed

"Sorry I didn't mean to wake you" Logan whispered "you back to sleep"

"What happened?" Rory asked, groggily

"Elle was up, practicing her lines" Logan told her "she's nervous"

"Who wouldn't be?" Rory sighed "I still struggle talking to 100 people in the newsroom. I can't imagine not only talking but singing and dancing in from off  almost 2000. And being 9 years old on top of that"

"She's brave"

"That, she is"

Logan wrapped his arm around Rory and Rory snuggled into his chest. Logan put his other hand on Rory's belly

"How's little nugget doing?" Logan asked

"Little nugget?" Rory chuckled

"Lucas was tic tac and this one is little nugget"


"I don't know" Logan shrugged

Rory took a deep breath

"You ok?" Logan asked

"I'm more than ok" Rory smiled

"How did I get so lucky?"


"I got you. the kids. Our life" Logan said "I might be the luckiest person in the whole world"

Rory just looked at him

Logan put his hand on the side of Rory's face "I love you, Ace" he kissed her "so much"

"I know" Rory joked "I love you too"


December 2nd 2018


"Elle, we gotta go" Logan said

"I'm almost ready" Elle said, zipping up her bag

"Ok" Rory put her hands on Elle's shoulders "your dad is driving you and I'll be there to pick you up later."


Logan and Elle left the house

"Mom!" Em shouted from her room

"What's wrong?" Rory said, heading up the stairs

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