Big things

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"Ace, I'm home" Logan said quietly, walking into the apartment, hoping not to wake the babies if they were sleeping. "Ace?"

"In here" Rory said from the kitchen. She was sitting at the island staring at her phone, with an untouched cup of coffee in front of her

"Ace, you ok?"

"I got a phone call"


"I put the babies to sleep and then I came downstairs for some coffee and then my phone rang, and it was...huge" Rory said, still in shock, staring at her coffee

"What am I missing here?" Logan asked and sat down next to Rory

"It was A. G. Sulzberger" Rory looked at Logan and took a deep breath

"The New York Times guy?" Logan asked

"Mhmm" Rory nodded. "He said he'd been following my work at the Washington post and thought that I was great"

"That's great" Logan said, hugging Rory. "Why do you seem upset?"

"He offered me a job" Rory told him

"Why would you leave your job as managing editor for the Washington post to be a writer for the New York Times?" Logan raised an eyebrow

"Logan." Rory put her hand on his arm "it's not a writing job"


"Their editor in chief is retiring" she told him, and Logan's eyes went wide "he offered me the job"

"Editor in chief for the New York Times?!"

"Yeah..." Rory sighed

"That's amazing! You're amazing!" Logan said excitedly "why don't you seem excited?"

"We'd have to move"

"Rory" Logan took her hands in his "this is an incredible opportunity. If you want this, we'll make it happen"

"Are you sure?" Rory asked

"Of course" Logan told her "this is huge. you can't pass up this opportunity if it's something you want"

"I love you" Rory whispered

"I love you too, Ace" He said and kissed her


"Don't get up" Logan said, early the next morning, when they heard Elle stirring

"Thank you" Rory whispered, eyes still closed

"Hi baby" Logan said softly and picked up Elle. "So..." Logan said getting back into bed with Elle "are you gonna take the job?"

"Logan" Rory turned to face him "are you sure this is ok with you? You already moved here because of me. I don't want to ask you to move for me again"

"You not asking, I'm offering" He said, softly "I can work from our New York office and the babies won't even know any different"

"Are you sure?"

"Yes" Logan said "and besides, think how much better it'll be to live close to our family and friends"

"Oh, yeah. I didn't even think of that"

"So, you're taking the job?"

"I'm taking the job" Rory smiled "I'm gonna go call and let him know" Rory got out of bed "Mr Sulzberger?...yes, it's Rory Gilmore...I did...I can make a trip to New York next week" Em started crying

Logan waved Rory over to signal that he was busy with Elle and couldn't pick up Em

"Sorry, can you hold on for a minute?... thank you..." she picked up Em and then put the phone back to her ear, while bouncing her "sorry, I just uh... I have 2 young babies at home...4 months old...thank I can be in New York on Monday...alright...thank you, bye" Rory hung up "great timing, kid" she said to Em

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