The recovery

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"Morning Ace" Logan said walking into their bedroom with coffee and pancakes

"Morning" she smiled at him "is everyone else up?" She asked taking a sip of coffee

"Yes everyone is up and downstairs eating" he told her sitting down on the bed next to her "by the way your mom found the wedding stuff so you'll have to fight her off later"

"Better her than my grandma" she admitted

"True" he said taking a sip of his own coffee "so..."


"I need to ask you something" Logan admitted

"Oh no" she groaned "what?"

"Do you think you should tell your dad you had surgery" he asked softly

"Oh. Um...I don't know"

"What's the debate?" Logan asked, thinking maybe he could help her decide

"Well, on one hand he's my father. On the other hand we haven't spoken in a year." She told him "can you tell him?"

"You really want me to be the one to tell him?" Logan raised an eyebrow

"Yup" she said "you can leave message for all I care"

"Ok...I'll leave him a message now"

Logan dialed Christopher's number and much to his relief he got the answering machine.
Hello, Mr Hayden. This is Logan Huntzberger Rory's-" he paused for a second to look at Rory who shook her head "Rory's boyfriend. I just wanted to let you know that everything's ok but Rory had surgery yesterday for a ruptured appendix. Have a nice day, bye"

"Thank you" Rory said

"A little weird but I can understand why" Logan said


It was a week since Rory's surgery. She could walk a little on her own but still usually needed a hand to get up from the couch or getting up the stairs and she wasn't in any pain.
She was cleared to go back to work from home and start going for short walks around the neighborhood with help. Lorelai and Luke had also gone back to Stars Hollow.

"Expecting someone?" Rory asked, when there was a knock on the door

"No" Logan said getting up from his spot next to Rory on the couch.

"Rory!" A familiar voice shouted from the door

"Dad?!" Rory asked, not getting up

"What the hell Rory?!" Christopher yelled when he reached the living room

"Mr Hayden..." Logan said trying to get him to calm down, but he was interrupted

"You move to DC and I don't hear about it until I get Mail from you? You get engaged and I find out by getting an invitation in the mail!?" Christopher shouted "you get sick and need to have SURGERY and you don't call me until after the fact?" He continued "what gives?"

"Hi dad" Rory said

"That's it? That's all you have to say?" Christopher asked, sounding offended

"Well...yeah" Rory admitted "I invited you to my graduation and you didn't come. You also didn't come to my high school graduation, in case you forgot. Not to mention we haven't even spoken in a year." She continued

"Ace, calm down" Logan said

"Rory" Christopher said

"No! My whole life, you called once a month if I was lucky and I saw you maybe once a year. It's not fair that you don't call me for a year and then show up here yelling at me because you aren't up to date on my life!"

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