The New York Times

464 8 1

June 7th 2010

"Mama. Mama" Rory said holding Elle "can you say mama"

"Ace, she'll say it when she says it" Logan said taking a sip of his coffee

"Fine" Rory put Elle in her high chair next to Em who was in her high chair "I gotta go, see you later" she kissed sack of the babies on the top of the head and then Logan "April you coming?"

"Yup, let's go" April got up and grabbed her bag

"so who am I shadowing this week?" April asked as Rory drove to the New York Times

"April" Rory chuckle "I already told you that you have to wait to find out with everyone else. No special treatment"


"Besides, I don't even know" Rory said

"How don't you know? You're the one who made the schedule"

"Actually Noah made the schedule" Rory admitted "when I get to my office this morning he'll hand me the list. Until then I have no idea who's where"

"I didn't know that" April said

"Yeah" Rory nodded


"Fire in Times Square" Noah said as Rory and April stepped off the elevator

"Put Brian on it" Rory said, walking quickly "and send Michael. I want enough pictures of this thing to make a flip book" Rory kept walking through the newsroom "Bill, get the mock up for tomorrows issue on my desk, pronto"

"It's not ready" Bill told her

"Why the hell isn't it ready?" Rory asked, angrily

"There was a problem with some of the photos" bill said

"Who was in charge of photos for this issue?" Rory asked

"Steven, I think" Bill answered

"Tell Steven he has 5 minutes to get his ass in my office" Rory said before she and April walked into her office and she closed the door.

"Wow" April said

"What?" Rory asked taking a deep breath

"You're a badass" April laughed

"No I'm not" Rory said, looking through the various documents that had been left on her desk

"I just saw you." April said

"What, with bill?" Rory looked at April like she was crazy

"Uh...yeah" April exhaled "I never really thought of you as a badass. Smart? Yes. Talented? Definitely. Not a badass. But that was badass"

"April" Rory said


"Stop saying badass"

"Sorry" April said "hey do you want me to do anything? I know the shadows aren't really supposed to be here until 10"

"Mrs Huntzberger?" Steven knocked on the door

"Come in" Rory said "April go get some coffee"

"Bye" April said and left Rory's office

"Steven, tell me about the photos for tomorrows issue" Rory said, firmly


"Ok you all have your assignments" Rory said to the high school students "let's get to work. Charlotte, Oliver, let's go"

Rory was eating lunch in the break room with a few coworkers and some of the high schoolers were at a nearby table.

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