Getting back to normal

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April 19th 2019

Lorelai, Luke, Will, April, Oliver, Levi, Honor, josh and Emily were all at Rory and Logan's house, visiting

"I like the name Evan" Honor said

"Where did Elias come from?" Lorelai asked "you don't meet a lot of Eliases"

"It was my grandfather's name" Logan said

"It's also your middle name" Rory reminded him

"That too" Logan chuckled

"This might be the tiniest baby I've ever seen" Lorelai said, looking at the baby she was holding

"You should've seen him when he was born" Rory said

"We weren't allowed" Honor said

"Mom!" Honors daughter, Lilly came running up the stairs, from the basement, where all the kids were playing

"Dad!" Will came running up, after her


"Will won't let me have a turn" Lily whined

"She just had a turn" Will argued

"A turn for what?" Lorelai asked

"The Mario game" will said

"There are more controllers" Logan told them "put it on multiplayer, play together"

The kids went back downstairs

"So Elle's doing a show tonight?" Lorelai asked

"Yeah. It's one of the last ones" Rory said "the show is done at the end of the month"

"What is she doing next?" Emily asked

"School" Logan said

"What? Why?" Emily asked

"Because she's 9 years old" Rory said "It's the law"

"Is she sad it's over?" April asked

"She really enjoyed doing it, but I think she's looking forward to having her weekends back" Logan said

Levi started crying

"I'm gonna take him into the other room" April said "it's quieter there"

"I'll take him" Oliver said, he took Levi from April and walked into the office

"How's he doing?" Emily asked April

"He's doing good" April said

"Does he sleep well?"

"Sometimes" April said "but he's a light sleeper so every little noise wakes him"

"You can put him in Evan's room" Logan offered "It'll be quieter up there since all the kids are downstairs"



April 30th 2019

"Guess who's crutch free!" Logan called out when he walked into the house with Em, after her physical therapy

"That's so great!" Rory said from the couch

"I still have to wear the brace though" Em said sitting down next to Rory on the couch

"Mom!" Elle came down the stairs "Lucas ran into my desk"

"Is he ok?" Rory asked

"He's bleeding" Elle told her

"I'm coming" Logan said

Logan went upstairs

A few minutes later Logan came downstairs carrying Lucas who was holding a towel to his eye

"What happened?" Rory asked

"He cut his eyebrow" Logan sighed

"He what?"

"I'm gonna take him to urgent care. He might need stitches" Logan said, putting Lucas on a chair "you gonna be ok here alone?" Rory's was still recovering from her surgery and he was nervous about leaving her alone with the kids

"We'll help" Em said

"Yeah" Elle agreed

"Thanks guys" Logan smiled. "See you soon"  he kissed each of the girls on the forehead and then Rory on the lips before picking up Lucas and leaving

"Our house has become a constant stream of injuries" Rory sighed , earning a giggle from the girls


"What happened?" Rory asked when Logan walked into the house later that night, holding a sleeping Lucas

"7 stitches, right above his eyebrow" Logan whispered

"God" Rory rubbed her face

"He's fine. Are the girls sleeping?"


"I'm gonna go put him to bed"

Later that night Rory was in bed and Logan was brushing his teeth

"Can you bring me an aspirin when you come out?" Rory called out to Logan

"Sure, Ace"

"By the way, Em's principal wants to talk to us"


"Something about next school year"

"Here" Logan handed Rory a pill and a bottle of water which she took

"Thank you"

"Feeling ok?"

"Just sore"

Logan climbed into bed and wrapped his arms around Rory, gently pulling her into him

"Good night" she said, cuddling into Logan

"Night, Ace" he kissed her


May 2nd 2019

"High school?" Logan asked, in shock

"Yes" the principal said

"You want to put our 9 year old in high school?" Rory asked

"She'll be 10, not long after the school year starts. Will she not?" The principal said

"Ok. You want to put our 10 year old in high school" rory asked


"You're kidding, right?" Logan exhaled "she'll be 5 years younger than the next youngest student"

"I'm recommending the Wilson school for gifted children" the principal said "it's a high school for students with high IQs. There will be other children there that have skipped grades"

"And how old are kids usually when they start there?"

"Usually the youngest is 12, but I've spoken to the headmaster and he agrees that it's the best place for Emilia"

"But she'd still be the youngest"

"Mr and Mrs Huntzberger I know this is stressful but Emilia is 9 years old and spent most of this school year doing 8th grade level work with a 4.0 gpa. She meets the requirements to finish middle school and move on to high school."

Rory and Logan looked at each other

"I'll let you discuss. You have time to make your decision"


"Mom! Dad! I'm home!" Emilia said walking into the house after her friends mom dropped her off after school

"We need to ask you something"

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