Christmas 2007-part 2

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The Huntzberger Christmas party was uneventful, much to Logan's relief. They had managed to avoid Logan's parents the whole time, and they just mingled, had a few drinks and ate some food before they went home.

Now it was Christmas Eve morning, April has arrived in Stars Hollow and the whole family were sitting in the living room, wearing matching Christmas pajamas and decorating the tree.

"I can't handle it anymore! It's killing my!" Lorelai said to Luke when they were alone in the kitchen making hot cocoa for everyone

"What?" Luke asked

"Logan, Rory, a certain question" lorelai said with a hinting tone "isn't it driving you crazy wondering when he's gonna do it?"

"Not really. He'll do it when he does it" he said shrugging and walking back into the living room with a tray of hot cocoa

"So anyone have any plans for this afternoon?" Luke asked

"Logan and I are gonna go visit Lane and Zach and the babies and then I thought maybe we could all go for a walk in town" Rory said

"Can I join you guys?" April asked "Steve and Kwan are adorable"

"Sure" Rory told her step sister

"Hey, not to be a bummer but, have you spoken to your dad at all lately?" Lorelai asked her daughter

"Not since before I graduated" Rory said staring at her cocoa. Lorelai gave her a sad look, Luke looked a little mad and Logan rubbed Rorys back. "Really guys, it's fine. I've said it before and I'll say it again. If he doesn't want to be part of my life then I'm not gonna try and force him" Rory got up and went into her room

Everyone sat there in silence door a few moment, unsure of what to say or do, then Logan got up and walked towards Rory's room and knocked on the closed door.

"Who is it?" Rory asked sharply

"Ace, it's me" Logan said softly "can I come in?"

"I guess" Rory said opening the door

Logan walked in and sat next to Rory on her bed and put his hand on hers "Ace are you ok?"

"I already said that I was" she snapped

"I know but your tone says otherwise" Logan said softly "I don't want you to hold anything in. I know you won't talk to your mom about it, but I hope that you know you can talk to me about anything"

"It's just that...he would always promise that things would change" she said as tears started to down in her eyes "every time he came around. When he was saying goodbye he would promise to call more and to visit more. And you know what? He never did!" She continued as tears started to roll down her cheeks


"i gave him chance, after chance, after chance. I'm done! Seriously! He clearly doesn't care to be a part of my life. Fine! He doesn't have to be, but then he shouldn't expect to be welcomed with open arms whenever he randomly decides he wants to be my father!" She was fully crying at this point

Logan pulled Rory into his chest, holding her tight. Rory curled onto Logan's arms eventually falling asleep. Logan gently laid Rory down on the bed putting her head on the pillow and covered her with a light blanket before quietly leaving the room

Logan walked back into the living room to find that only lorelai and Will were there. "Luke and April went to the diner to give Rory some space" Lorelai told Logan "is she ok?"

"I don't know" Logan sighed sitting down "she was really upset"

"Where is she?"

"She's sleeping"

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