Spring fling

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Logan woke up around 3 in the morning to the sound of Rory throwing up. He walked into the bathroom, crouched down behind Rory and pulled her hair away from her face.

Rory turned around, sat on the floor against the wall and took a few deep breaths

"I'm sorry, Ace" Logan said softly

"Why?" She asked furrowing her eyebrows

"It's my fault that you're sick"

"No. Logan, we both wanted this. It's as much my fault as it is yours" she assured him

"Well, I still feel bad that you're getting sick all the time" he said,  wrapping his arms around her and pulling her into him.

"It's part of being pregnant" she said curling into him, closing her eyes

"You wanna go back to bed?" Logan offered

"Let's go"


"We're here!" Rory called out, walking into the crap shack, to meet Luke and lorelai before the spring fling festival

"How do you feel?" Lorelai asked, as Rory and Logan walked into the kitchen, sitting down with Lorelai and Luke and the table.

"Fine, for now" Rory said "just tired"

"Busy night?" Lorelai asked smirking

"Mom" Rory groaned

"Well, you guys look like you haven't slept, one can only assume" lorelai giggled

"Well from now on assume that of i look tired it's because spent the night sitting on the bathroom floor" Rory sighed

"Eesh, Sorry" lorelai said, and stood up to get give Will more eggs

"Mom!" Rory yelled when she saw Lorelai's shirt

"What did I do?" Lorelai asked

"Why are you wearing that?" She asked gesturing to Lorelai's shirt that said 'promoted to grandma'

"What?" Lorelai whined "I'm proud"

"Proud that you're gonna be a grandmother?" Rory asked

"Why is that so weird?" Lorelai asked

"Because you're essentially saying that you're proud that your daughter had sex and got knocked up" Rory chuckled and took a sip of water

"Do you want me to change?" Lorelai offered

"No. I kind that you're happy. It's just that you're gonna talk to the whole town today." Rory explained

"You don't want people to know?" Lorelai asked

"No they can know" Rory said "just let me tell Lane first so she doesn't hear it from someone else"


"Rory?" Zach said opening the door

"Hi Zach" Rory said walking in "is Lane here?"

"Yeah she's just putting the boys down for a nap. She'll be out in a minute" He told her "what's that?" Zach asked gesturing to the gift bag in Rory's hand

"Oh, just a little something for Lane" Rory said

"Rory?" Lane asked walking into the living room "did I know you were coming?" She asked giving her friend a hug

"No, this is a surprise visit" Rory said

"Ok well what's up?" Lane asked

"Here" Rory handed Lane a blue gift bag with a mug inside that said 'worlds best aunt' on it

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