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Christmas 2040

Christmas morning Rory and Logan, Elle, Noah and they're 2 year old son Logan, Em her, now husband Gabe, Lucas and Sophie, Evan and his girlfriend Ella and Lorelai, Luke, Will, Eleanor and Willow were sitting around the tree in Rory and Logan's house, opening presents.

"Ok my turn" Lucas said "Elle this is for you, from me and Soph" he handed Elle a present

Elle gasped when she opened it "Lucas this is so sweet"

"What is it?" Em asked

"It's a book with pictures of me in costume from every show I've done and the playbills" Elle said

"Wow" Evan chuckled "I'm glad you went last"

Lucas and Sophie gave everyone their gifts

"Ok, if that's all the gifts, let's clean up all this paper" Logan said

"Actually I have one more" Lucas said "for Sophie"

"Lucas you already gave me my present" Sophie said putting her hand on his shoulder

"What did he give you?" Eleanor asked

Sophie pulled her necklace out of her shirt and showed it to everyone. It was a metal stripe engraved with 'San Francisco: 10.19.31'

"What happened on October 19th 2031?" Ella asked

"That's when we met" Sophie told them, earning 'awes' from everyone

"Who knew you were so sweet" Elle nudged Lucas, causing him to blush

"Ok, I wanna know what else he got you" Em said

Lucas handed Sophie a small box wrapped in shiny, red wrapping paper with a little gold bow on it

"You really didn't have to" Sophie said, she was sitting on the rug with her back to the wall

"But he did" Em said "so open it"

Sophie unwrapped the box. She opened the small, green velvet box and her eyes shot up to Lucas who was sitting on his knees in front of her, smiling nervously

"Are you kidding!?" Sophie asked

"What?" Em asked

Lucas shook his head

"You're serious!?" Sophie asked, still in shock

Lucas nodded

"What is it?" Evan, Elle and Em asked together

"No!" Sophie gasped

"No?" Lucas asked

"No, yes" Sophie said

At this point Elle, Em, Ella and Rory had caught on

"Now I'm confused" Lucas said

"Yes, Lucas, yes" Sophie said, tearing up a little

Lucas kissed Sophie and then pulled her into a tight hug

"Either of you wanna fill us in?" Evan asked

"Here" Lucas whispered. He took the box from Sophie and put the ring that was inside on her finger before kissing her again. "We're getting married" he whispered, still looking at Sophie

"You're what?!" Evan said

"We're getting married" he turned to everyone

Everyone jumped up and congratulated them


Em went on to be one of the top neurosurgeons in the country. Gabe was the most requested doctor in the hospital. They had 2 kids, a daughter named Beth and a son named Samuel

Elle and Noah both have very successful carters as actors and Elle as a model. They had another son who they named Richard and a daughter they named Lorelai but they call her by her middle name, Rose

Lucas became a highly requested animator for Disney and Pixar movies. Sophie became a managing editor for the San Francisco chronicle. They had twin girls named Missy and Gabby

Evan became quarterback for the Pittsburg Steelers and won 3 super bowls. Elle became very well known photographer and took wildlife pictures for National Geographic on several occasions. They went in to have 3 sons banned Alex, Leo and griffin and a daughter named Jenny


Many years later

Rory and Logan were sitting curled up on a chair, on the beach, where they had brought the whole family for a few weeks over the summer. They looked out at their kids and grandkids swimming and playing and laughing and having fun

"Thank you" Logan said

"What for?"



AN: that's it. A huge thank you to everyone who read my story.
I sincerely hope you enjoyed.
I just started another one with a similar idea (how it could've gonna if season 7 ended differently) I'd really appreciate if you'd read it. I post new chapters every single day.

Xoxo Abigail

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