Big news

530 12 3

February 5th 2013

Logan was woken up around 1am by the sound of Rory throwing up. He got up, walked into the bathroom, crouched down, gently collected her hair into a scrunchie and rubbed her back.

Rory turned around and sat on the floor, leaning against the wall and closed her eyes, taking a few deep breaths

"I'm sorry, Ace" Logan said, sitting across from her on the bathroom floor

"Don't" Rory groaned

"Do you need anything?" Logan asked

"I'm ok" Rory said "I just need to sit here until I'm sure that I won't puke again"

Logan moved closer to Rory and wrapped his arms around her. She leaned her head on his shoulder and eventually fell asleep.

4 hours later Rory's alarm went off

"Turn it off!" Rory said "turn it off!"


"It's gonna wake the girls" Rory groaned

Logan's got up and turned off the alarm. Rory was brushing her teeth and Logan came up behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist "did you make a doctors appointment?"

"Today at 12"

"Mommy?" Elle walked into their room

"What's wrong, baby" Rory crouched down and put her hands on Elle's shoulders

"The clock is loud" Elle said

"I'm sorry it woke you" Rory gave her daughter a tight hug "do you wanna go back to sleep?"

Elle shook her head

"Why don't you go brush your teeth and I'll make you some pancakes?" Logan offered

"Ok" Elle smiled and left the room

"Don't wake your sister" Logan called out after her  "Em's not staying asleep, is she?"

"Not a chance" Rory chuckled

Logan went downstairs to start making pancakes and Rory got ready for work. A few minutes later Rory walked into the kitchen to see Logan standing at the stove making pancakes and both girls sitting at the table.

"Hey, Ace"

"Mmm" Rory groaned and left the kitchen

"Ace?" Logan's looked at the girls and then at the stove "crap" he muttered, under his breath "ok. Girls, daddy has to go check on something. Don't move." Logan turned the stove off and left the kitchen. He walked into the bathroom to see Rory sitting on the floor, knees pulled to her chest and her head resting on her knees. "Maybe you should stay home, today"

"I can't" Rory groaned "I have meetings all day, except for an hour I set aside today to go to the doctor"

"Mommy, are you sick?" Em appeared in the door, behind Logan

"I'm ok, baby" Rory assured her "I'm fine, Logan. Give them breakfast"

"Come on" Logan said, leading Em back into the kitchen


Rory stepped off the elevator, into the newsroom and was greeted by an intern from Yale.

"Mrs Huntzberger, the editors are all waiting for you in conference room c" the internet said

"Thank you, Peter" Rory said, and walked into the conference room

Rory was sitting at the table in the conference room listening to Laura talk when all of a sudden she was hit with a wave of nausea.

"I'm sorry" Rory stood up "excuse me for just a minute" Rory ran out of the conference room and into the bathroom to throw up.

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