Mom stress

487 9 3

April 19th 2010


"Ace, what are you doing?" Logan whispered from the doorway of Em's room

"I couldn't sleep"

"So you decided to creepily watch Emilia sleep?"

"No" Rory said "up until a few minutes ago I was in Elle's room"

"That's not better" Logan chuckled, softly "I actually think it might be worse"

Rory sniffled

"Ace, what's going on?" Logan asked softly, wrapping his arms around Rory

"I don't know" Rory sniffled. She wiped a tear from her eye and tried to pull away from Logan but he held her tight

"I need you to talk to me" he said, sweeping a hair back behind her ear "I need to know if you're not ok. I need you to let me help you" he led her out into the hall so they wouldn't wake the babies and they sat down on the carpeted hallway floor

"I just...I feel so much anxiety, all the time." She admitted "what if something happens to them. Or what if something happens to us and they're all alone." She sniffled. Logan wiped away a tear that had started rolling down her cheek "what if...what if I start work tomorrow and we put them in the daycare and they aren't ok?" She picked at the skin, around her thumb nail. She hadn't looked at Logan the whole time she was talking

"Ace, look at me" Logan said but Rory kept looking down "Rory. Please look at me" he put his hand on the side of Rory's face and Rory looked up at him "I want to help you. Please tell me what I can do"

"I don't know" Rory sniffled

Logan sighed "Im not in any rush to start going into the office" Logan told her "what if I work from home and take care of the babies for a couple more weeks, and once you get settled into your new job we'll come back to the topic of daycare"

Rory nodded and And wiped her tears away. They sat on the floor in silence for a few minutes before one of the babies started to cry.

"Shit" Logan groaned

"It's Elle" Rory sighed "she's probably hungry. I'll go get her"

Rory stood up and went into Elle's room and picked her up, she changed her quickly before turning to leave the room to get a bottle

"Here" Logan appeared, holding up a bottle "give her to me. I'll feed her and put her back to sleep. You have to be up in a few hours, you should get some sleep"

"Thank you"


"Ace, you look great" Logan said when Rory walked out of her closet

"Thank you" she went to pick up Elle but Logan stopped her

"Don't. You do not have time to change, if she pukes on you" he reminded her

Rory started pacing around the room

"Hey" Logan said softly and put his hands on Rory's shoulders "you're gonna do great" He assured her

Rory took a deep breath and nodded

"Are you ok?" He asked

"Yeah" Rory said and Logan gave her a look "I'm fine, promise. I'm actually really excited"

"Good" Logan smiled "I made coffee"


"Mrs Huntzberger?" Someone asked when Rory stepped out of the elevator into the newsroom at the New York Times

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