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September 10th 2013

"Mommy!" Elle exclaimed when Logan walked into the house with her after dance class

"Hi, Elle Belle!" Rory hugged her "how was dance?"

"Someone is apparently a natural dancer" Logan said

"Oh , yeah?" Rory smiled

"Ms Alice said I'm gonna get to dance with the big kids!" Elle said

Rory got a worried look on her face "how big?" She asked Logan

"Relax, Ace" Logan chuckled "she's just moving her from the 3-4 year old class to the 4-5-class"

"That's so great, baby!" Rory kissed Elle's cheek


September 11th 2013

"Hi" Rory said opening the door "come on in"

"Hi, Rory" Evelyn said "this is Gracie and Samuel"

"Hi guys. It's nice to meet you" Rory smiled "this is Em" Rory gestured to Em who was hiding behind her leg "and this is Elle" Rory gestured to Elle who was standing next to her

"Hi" Em said, quietly

The four kids went upstairs to play while Rory and Evelyn talked

"So how old is your son?" Evelyn asked

"12 days" Rory said

"Wow. How do you feel?"

"I feel ok" Rory told her "I had my stitches taken out a few days ago and let me tell you that not showering for 8 days, after having a baby...not fun"

"You had a C-section?"

"Not by choice"

"I see..."

"So what are your kids like?" Rory asked

"Gracie's pretty shy but she likes to read and paint and Samuel is a social butterfly. He actually just started dance class"

"Where does he dance? Elle just started too"

"Wonderland dance school"

"That's where Elle goes" Rory said

"Mommy!" Em called out, running down the stairs

"Yeah, baby?"

"Gracie knows the berenstein bears" Em said excitedly

"They're my favorite!" Grace said

"Wow that's so good" Rory gushed

The 2 girls ran back upstairs

"Alright" Logan came out of the office "that was the last call. I'm done"

"Evelyn this is Logan" Rory introduced them "Logan this is Evelyn"

"Nice to meet you" Logan said and held out his hand

"Nice to meet you too" Evelyn shook Logan's hand


September 13th 2013

"Grandma!" Elle exclaimed when they walked into the parlor

"Hello Lorelai" Emily hugged Elle "hi Emilia" she hugged Em "Rory how are you doing?"

"Good" Rory said "tired"

"Does he sleep?" Richard asked

"He does, but waking up every 2 hours to feed a baby does not make for very restful sleep" Rory said

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