Performances and performances

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February 19th 2019- 27 weeks

"Logan?" Rory called out when she woke up, alone in bed

"Shhh" Logan shushed her, walking out of the bathroom "it's early. Go back to sleep"

Rory looked at the clock "Logan, it's 5am." Rory groaned "why are you up?"

"I was talking to Australia" Logan climbed back into bed "Benjamin and Thomas  don't seem to understand the whole, 'I have 3, soon to be 4 kids. I can't wake up at 4am to talk about stocks' thing"

"I see"

"How's little nugget doing?" Logan put his hand on Rory's belly

"Kicking away, happily" Rory sighed

"And You?"

"Tired" Rory yawned

"Go back to sleep" Logan whispered. He wrapped his arms around Rory and they fell back asleep



"Elle, what time does your showcase start, tomorrow?" Rory asked, while she, Logan and the kids were eating breakfast


"And what time do you have to be at school?" Logan asked

"9" Elle said "I'm singing so I have to be there for sound check. And my dance teacher wants the group to be there early so we're can make sure the costumes fit right"

"Isn't it a little late for that?" Logan raised an eyebrow "what happens if it doesn't fit?"

"Then if it's only a small problem then the art students will fix it and if it's not something they can fix in time we'll dance in out blue, uniform leos"

"Why didn't your teacher check them earlier?" Em asked

"There was a problem with the delivery and they only got here yesterday night" Elle explained


February 20th 2019

"Elle up next" Logan whispered to Rory. Logan, Rory and the kids were sitting in the audience at Elle's winter showcase

"With what?" Rory asked

"Um..." Logan looked at the program

"Ballet solo" Em chimed in

They watched Elle's solo and a few more dances and songs before the principal walked on stage

"For those of you who don't know, this year we were lucky enough to have a very talented young student get the lead roll in a broadway musical" the principal said

The audience cheered

"I would like to invite that student to sing a song from the show"

The audience cheered again

"Currently playing Annie in the broadway musical Annie...Lorelai Huntzberger!" The principal said and walked off stage

Elle came on stage sang one of the songs from Annie and the showcase was over.


"You were so good!" Rory said, hugging Em when she came outside

"Thank you" Elle smiled "I made a mistake in my solo though"

"Nobody noticed" Logan assured her


February 23rd 2019

"How was the show?" Logan asked, when Elle walked out of the theater, into the lobby, after her show

"It was good" Elle said

"Did you have fun?"

"Yeah. Julie got pizza for everyone before the show"

"That's fun"


February 24th 2019

"Mom! Dad!" Elle walked into the lobby of the theater

"Hi, baby" Rory hugged her "you did such a good job!"

"Thank you"

"It was great, Elle Belle" Logan hugged her


"Are you hungry?" Logan asked

Elle nodded

"Let's go" Rory put her arm around Elle


March 9th 2019- 29 weeks, 5 days

"I cannot believe how talented that girl is" Lorelai whispered to Rory, who was sitting in between her and Logan at Elle's show

"I know, right?" Rory chuckled "and she's confident, too. Where did that come from? Definitely not me"

"Logan" Lorelai chuckled

"Ow" Rory inhaled sharply

"Ace?" Logan looked at Rory "what's wrong?" He asked, concerned

"Nothing. I'm fine" Rory assured him

"Rory..." lorelai said

"It's just a cramp. I'm ok."

A few minutes later Rory winced again

"Rory..." lorelai said softly

"I'm fine" Rory whispered

"Are you having contractions?" Logan asked

"Almost definitely, not. I'm only at 29 weeks"

"But you are in pain" lorelai said

"I'm fine. Let's just watch the show"

Over the next 40 minutes Rory kept having cramps. Logan and Lorelai kept checking on her. The show ended and everyone went home

"Thanks for watching them, Hannah" Logan said, paying the babysitter

"Anytime, they're great kids" Hannah said

"Have a good night. Get home safe" Rory said

"Night" Hannah left and Logan closed the door

"You ok?" Logan asked, noticing Rory looked uncomfortable

"Yeah, just a little sore"

"You'd tell me if something was wrong, right?"

"Logan, you know I would"

"Good" he kissed her "let's go to bed"


March 10th 2019- 29 weeks, 6 days


Logan and Rory were sleeping. Logan had his arm around Rory and Rory's head was resting on Logan's shoulder and her hand was on his chest.

A pain jolted Rory awake "ahh" she groaned, quietly and sat up, halfway. She took a few deep breaths and then laid back down and tried to go back to sleep. Just as she was drifting back to sleep she was hit with another pain. "Ow" she whispered, sitting up and putting her hand on her belly. "Logan" she shook him

"What?" Logan asked groggily, eyes still closed

Rory sniffled. She started tearing up

"Ace?" He opened his eyes and sat up "what's wrong?" Logan asked, concerned

"I don't know" Rory said through tears, breathing shakily "something hurts"

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