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Rory and Logan had been living in DC for almost 5 months and we're fully settled in their routines.
Over the past 3 months Rory had gone to Connecticut almost every weekend to visit Lorelai,Luke and Will and when he could Logan went with her.

"No" Rory said as she packed her bag for work on Monday morning

"Ace just think about it" he pleaded with her

"I thought about it, I don't wanna"

"Neither do I, but if we don't they'll be mad" Logan said trying to reason with Rory

"I know, I know" Rory said sitting down at the kitchen island "but they hate me, and it'll be really uncomfortable"

"I know. If you really don't want to go I'll go alone"

"No I'll go, after all you're coming to thanksgiving dinner at the Gilmores" she said wrapping her arms around his neck

"Thank you" he wrapped his arms around her waist and kissed her

"So, dinner on Wednesday with your parents?" She asked scrunching her nose

"Dinner with my parents on Wednesday"


"I don't wanna" Logan said as he and Rory stood outside the Huntzberger mansion

"It was your idea" Rory said with a chuckle

"Doesn't mean I want to"

"You're late" Honor scolded her brother when she opened the door

"We just got off a plane, cut me some slack" Logan said hugging his sister

"Fine. But only because you brought Rory" she said going to hug Rory "Rory it's so nice to see you, it's been too long"

"I know" Rory agreed

"Logan! How nice of you to join us" Mitchum voice boomed as he walked past the door "well, come in everyone's waiting"

"Hello dad" Logan says groaning a little

"Straight up ignoring me, interesting" Rory whispered with a slight chuckle

"Drinks?" Honor offered as they entered the parlor

"Scotch for me and um, martini Ace?" Logan said confirming Rory would have her usual

"Yes please" Rory said smiling at Honor

"So Logan, how's DC?" Shira asked with her biggest society smile on

"It really good" he said putting his hands on Rory's knee

"How's the startup?" Mitchum asked. He has been really mad when Logan left HPG and it surprised logan a little when his father brought up work

"It's doing well" Logan said vaguely

"Hey Josh, we've never really spoken. What do you do?" Rory asked rating to break up some of the tension

"I work for my family business, an insurance company" Jish said

"Oh my grandfather works in insurance" Rory said

"Does he like it?" Josh asked

"Very much" Rory smiled and took a sip of her drink

"So, Logan" Elias said abruptly causing everyone's heads to turn and look at him "are we gonna talk about it?"

Logan turned to Rory and mouthed 'I'm sorry'

"Talk about what grandfather?" Logan asked playing dumb

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