Happy birthday Rory

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October 7th 2009- 28 weeks

Logan and Rory's were sitting in the kitchen eating breakfast, Wednesday morning.

"What time is your doctors appointment?" Logan asked, taking a sip of his coffee

"2:30" Rory said

"Can I pick you up from work and take you to lunch before the appointment" Logan asked

"You can" Rory smiled "I'm in a meeting until 1, but any time after that is fine"

"I'll pick you up at 1" Logan said


"Oh! It's late. I gotta go" Logan said, jumping up and collecting his things "see you later, Ace. I love you" he kissed her and left


"Fancy seeing you here" Rory joked, as she got in the car

"Hey, Ace" Logan leaned over and kissed her "how was your meeting?"

"Completely pointless" Rory sighed "we sat there for 2 hours and got nothing done" Rory told him "how was work?"

"My father paid me a visit" Logan told her

"What?" She asked in shock "but you don't work for him. What was he doing there?"

"He wants to merge our companies"

"Are you going to?" Rory asked

"No" Logan said "did you discuss maternity leave with your boss yet?"

"We're gonna sit down and talk about it on Monday" Rory said "but we basically already decided that from 32 weeks until the babies are born I'll work from home. After the babies are born I'll take 3 months off and then go back to work from home until I feel ready to go back"

"Sounds good" Logan smiled

"What do you think about us hosting for the holidays?" Rory asked "since I won't be able to go home"

"You wanna host your whole family?" Logan asked giving her a look

"My mom said she would take care of everything" Rory explained "we would just have it here"

"Who would be coming?" Logan asked "and who would be staying with us?"

"My mom, Luke, April and Will would be staying at the apartment with us. My grandparents would stay in a hotel"

"Sounds good to me" Logan said

"Do you wanna invite Honor and Josh?" Rory asked

"They're spending the holidays with Josh's family this year"



Logan and Rory had lunch and then made their way to the hospital for Rory's appointment.

"Everything looks perfect" Dr Lee said, wiping the gel off of Rory's stomach "any questions or concerns?"

"No" Rory said

"Alright. Would I be right to assume you want pictures" Dr. Lee asked

"Yes" Rory chuckled

"I'd like you to start coming in every other week now, instead of every 4" Dr Lee told them, Rory nodded

"Thank you" Rory said, and they started walking out

"Oh. Rory" Dr Lee called out

"Yes?" Rory asked

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