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July 16th 2010

Rory and Logan arrived at the Gilmore house. Logan got Em out of her car seat and Rory got Elle. They walked up to the door and Logan knocked. The maid opened the door and showed them to the parlor.

"Hi grandma. Hi grandpa" Rory said

"Hello Rory, Logan" Emily stood up to greet them "please, sit"

"Drinks?" Richard offered

"Club soda, please" Rory said

"Are you pregnant?" Emily asked, eagerly

"Grandma!" Rory gasped "I am NOT pregnant" Elle squirmed in her lap "I've told you before, we don't drink when we're with the babies"

"Very well" Emily said.

Richard handed Rory and Logan each a club soda before sitting down

"So Logan, how's work?" Richard asked

"I'm not doing so much right now. Things are pretty calm and I'm only working from home so we can hold off on putting the babies in daycare for a while" Logan said

"And you Rory?" Richard asked

"It's good. The summer high school program just ended so it'll be quieter" Rory said "I may even have time to write something"

"That's great" Richard said "We've been reading the times every day. You're doing a wonderful job"

"Thank you" Rory blushed

"And how are the girls?" Emily asked

"They're great" Rory smiled

"We don't get any more details?" Emily asked, sounding offended

"Sorry" Rory chuckled "Elle said dada a couple of times" she glanced at Logan "Em says mama pretty much nonstop, she's still pretty clingy. Em was sick last week for the first time and I nearly lost my mind. And this squirmy girl here just started crawling." She said, referring to Elle

"You've baby proofed your house?" Richard asked "it's extremely important to make sure your babies can't get into anything they shouldn't, especially since you guys have stairs in your home"

"We've baby proofed" Logan said

"Dinner is ready, mrs Gilmore" The maid said

"Let's move to the dining room" Emily said, getting up "we have chairs for the babies"

They ate dinner and Rory and Logan went home


July 26th 2010

"No" Rory said as she walked around hers and Logan's home office, collecting things for work

"Come on, Ace. Just think about it"

"No" Rory said again "I thought you didn't want your parents to meet them. Why are you pushing this?"

"I don't really want them too but my dad has been calling me every day, asking when he can meet them"

"I don't know that"

"If you want, we can ask Honor to come and be a buffer. And I promise, as soon as they're rude to you or there's yelling we're out of there"

"Fine. When?"

"Tomorrow night?" Logan asked and Rory nodded "thank you" he kissed her and she left for work.

Later that evening after Logan had finished work for the day he was sitting with the babies on the rug in the living room. Em had started crawling in the past few days and was all over the place.

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