I'm fine

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Logan had been sitting in the waiting room for about 20 minutes when Lorelai came running in, Luke and Will not far behind.

"Logan!" Loralai exclaimed as she reached the rite of chairs where Logan was sitting "what's going on?"

"Her appendix burst" Logan said as Luke reached them, Will on his hip "she's in surgery now"

"God, surgery" Lorelai groaned

"I know" Logan sighed "i didn't wanna wake them before I had any information so I havent called Richard and Emily yet and I wasn't sure if Rory would want me to call Christopher"

"I'll call my parents in the morning" Lorelai told Logan

"And Christopher?" Logan asked

"I'm not sure" Lorelai admitted "I guess that one can wait u til Rory can decide one way or another"

Just then a nurse came out "I'm looking for the family of Rory Gilmore" he said

"That's us" Logan said standing up

"You're all family?" He asked "I can only give details to family"

"I'm her mother" Lorelai said "her step father and brother" she pointed to Luke who was holding Will "and her fiancé" she gestured to Logan

"Alright, well the surgery went well. She's still asleep but you guys can see her now if you'd like"

"Yes please" Logan said

"Follow me" the nurse said and he started walking down the hall "right in here" he gestured to a door and then walked away

The four walked in quietly to find a sleeping Rory. Luke sat down on the couch with Will and lorelai sat in a chair next to Rory's bed. Logan pulled a chair up to sit close to Rory's head and grabbed her hand.

20 minutes later Luke had taken Will to Rory and Logan's apartment because he was starting to get fussy and Lorelai had stepped outside to call Richard and Emily.
Logan was holding Rory's hand and had his head down, resting on his arm.

"Mmmm" Rory groaned softly

"Ace?" Logan asked quietly, looking up "Ace are you awake?" He asked softly

"No" Rory groaned

Logan jumped up and kissed her on the head "god, I was so worried" He said stroking her hair

Rory inhaled sharply

"Ace you ok? Should I get the doctor?"

"No,. No, I'm fine" Rory assured Logan "just sore"

"Well that makes sense, seeing as you just got cut open" lorelai said from the doorway

"Hi, mom" Rory said

"Hi" lorelai said, sitting down next to Rory's bed "you really scared us kid"

"Good. That was my goal" Rory said smiling

"I see we're awake" the doctor said poking her head in the door  "hi Rory. I don't know how much you remember, I'm Dr Milton, I did your surgery" she explained "the surgery went great and as long as you have no fever, signs of infection and your pain is manageable over the next several hours, e can discharge you tonight"


"Oh my god!" Rory exclaimed out of nowhere

"What" Lorelai asked

"I have work today! I need to call my editor" Rory said frantically

"Already handled, Ace" Logan said, putting his land on her leg "relax...please"

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