One more time

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"You got something you wanna tell me, Ace?"

"Maybe" Rory smiled

"Are you serious?" Logan asked

Rory nodded

"Wait. Really?" Logan asked, in disbelief "how?"

"How?" Rory raised an eyebrow

"No. I know how." Logan chuckled "I're on the pill"

"I know" Rory sighed

"But you're pregnant"


"Are you serious?"


"Sorry" Logan sat down next to her "are you happy about it? Because I know you said you didn't want any more"

"I think I am" Rory told him "are you?"

"Ecstatic" He kissed her


September 29th 2018

"Just to be clear" Rory said when she and Logan got home "this will be our last 6 week sonogram picture"

"That's fine" Logan took the picture from Rory and pinned it to the cork board

"And we have to tell the kids"

"Well, I don't think we could get away with bringing a baby home without telling them" Logan joked


"We can tell them tonight" Logan put his hands on her shoulders

"Ok" Rory sighed

"Hey. They'll be happy"

"I hope so"

"I'll go get them from April's" Logan kissed her and left


Rory Logan and the kids were sitting around the kitchen table, eating dinner, later that night

"And then April let me put my hand on her belly, and u felt the baby move" Em told them

"Yeah. It felt weird" Elle added

"Yeah babies are pretty cool" Logan gave Rory a look

"I love babies" Elle said

"Me too" Em agreed

"Me three" Lucas said

"So uh..." Rory looked at Logan who nodded "how would you guys feel about having another baby brother or sister?"

"Really?" Em asked excitedly

"Really" Logan said

"For real. For real?" Elle asked

"For real for real" Rory chuckled "Is that ok?"

The girls looked at each other "yes!"

"Lucas?" Logan asked

"Well it be a boy baby or a girl baby?" Lucas asked

"We don't know yet" Rory told him

"Ok" Lucas shrugged and went back to eating


October 5th 2018

"My baby finally got an oops baby" Lorelai said after Rory told her she was pregnant "I'm so proud"

"Mom" Rory put her face in her hands. Logan chuckled and rubbed her back

"What's an oops baby?" Em asked

"Thanks mom" Rory glared at Lorelai

"Hey, why don't you tell Nana and Butch how 6th grade is going?" Logan suggested, changing the subject

"I have the highest gpa in the whole grade" Em said proudly

"Wow" Luke said

They talked about Ems school for a little while longer until Em decided that the adults were boring and she'd rather play Mario kart in the office with Lucas and Will

"So, pregnant" Lorelai brought the conversation back to Rory once there were no kids in the room

"Pregnant" Rory echoed

"Happy accident?" Lorelai prodded "or did you somehow manage to have 3 planned pregnancies?"

"Happy accident" Rory admitted

"Finally" Lorelai said "I love your kids but I'm a fan of the oops baby. I had 2 and they're both pretty great"

"I'll say" Logan put an arm around Rory and she leaned into him

"So how far along are you?" Lorelai asked

"7 and a half weeks"

"So..."Lorelai started to do the math

"May" Rory chuckled

"Mom!" Elle came running down the stairs

"What's wrong?" Rory asked

"I can't find my jazz shoes and I need them to practice for dance exams, next week" Elle told her

"We need to put a tracker in those shoes" Logan chuckled

"I'll help you look" Rory said. She stood up and was hit with a wave of nausea "mmm" she groaned and sat back down, taking a few deep breaths

"Nauseous?" Logan asked and put his hand on her shoulder

"Mhmm" Rory nodded

"I'll help you look, Elle" Lorelai got up and walked upstairs with Elle

"Rory, are you ok?" Luke asked

Rory nodded but stayed sitting with her head resting in her hands and her elbows on her knees

"Ace" Logan said softly, rubbing Rory's back "you gonna throw up?"

Rory shook her head

"Do you need anything?" Logan asked

Rory shook her head again

"Still?" Lorelai asked a few minutes later when she came down the stairs and saw Rory

Luke nodded

"I'm sorry, kid" Lorelai sat back down "you get it bad"

"What?" Rory asked

"Pregnancy" Lorelai clarified "you're sick every time"

"What can I say? Logan's kids hate me" Rory joked, getting a chuckle from lorelai

"Hey!" Logan exclaimed "they do not hate you"

"They also don't like to be upside down" Rory added

"What does that mean?" Luke asked

"Babies are born head first" Rory explained "meaning, sometime before they're born they're supposed to turn upside down. If the don't you have to have a C-section. All of the kids were like sideways or something which is why I had a C-section both times"


"By the way, mom. Apparently after 2 C-sections it's safer to have one for the next time so they just schedule it ahead of time " Rory said

"Do you already know that you're gonna have a C-section?" Luke asked

"Yup" Rory said

"When?" Lorelai asked

"When, what?"

"When is your C-section?"

"Oh. Assuming I don't go into labor first, May 21st"

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