Summer things

496 11 2

May 30th 2010

Rory and Logan were sitting on the rug in the living room. Logan behind Elle and Rory behind Em.

"Come on. Come on" Logan cheered

"I'm so gonna win" Rory said

"Sorry, Ace. You're wrong" Logan responded

"This is weird" Lorelai laughed, from her spot on the couch

"No, it's not!" Logan said

"Racing babies?" Lorelai raised an eyebrow "It's weird"

"We aren't racing them" Rory said "they're not going anywhere"

"You're competing to see whose baby can sit up for longer" Luke said "It's not normal"

"Plus they're sitting up for like...ever, anyway. It's not fun anymore" lorelai chuckled

"Ok, fine" Rory picked up Em "we're done" she sat on a chair next to the couch and put Em on her lap

"I'm gonna get some water" Logan said, getting up and putting Elle in a playpen "anyone want anything?"

"Apple please" Rory said

"You're still eating apples?" Lorelai asked

"Yeah. It kinda just stuck, from when I was pregnant" Rory shrugged "carrots too"

"Red or green?" Logan asked

"Red, please"

"You got it, Ace" He kissed her and then went into the kitchen

"Ok, sorry about that" April said coming up the stairs

"Who was that on the phone?" Luke asked

"Oh, um...Cindy" April stuttered "she had a question about a homework assignment"

Rory shoot April a questioning look 'later' April mouthed at Rory

"Who won the baby contest, this time?" April asked

"Nobody" lorelai said "they got bored"

"Apple" Logan said walking back in

"Thanks" Rory smiled at him

Elle started crying

"I got her" Logan said, getting up. Logan picked up Elle and started bouncing her

"April, are you excited for your senior year?" Rory asked

"Very" April said, excitedly "by the way, thanks for letting me stay with you guys while I go to the New York Times summer academy"

"Of course" Logan said

"Anytime" Rory added

"Well I really appreciate it." Luke said "I don't know that I would have let her do it if she was gonna stay anywhere else"

"Well, it's really no problem" Rory said "plus you automatically get a ride every morning"

"Oh, I didn't even think about that" April said

"Babies!" Will called out, coming down the stairs

"I thought you were napping, mister" Lorelai said

"Woke up!" Will said, giggling and sitting down next to Em on the rug

"Is it weird that he's their uncle?" Rory chuckled

"Eh" Lorelai squeaked "it'll be their normal"

The talked for a little while longer before it was time for Lorelai and Luke had to take Will back to Stars Hollow

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