Gender reveal with a twist

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August 18th 2009- 21 weeks

It's was around 10:30 and Rory was sitting on the rocking chair in the nursery with a hand on her stomach, just looking around.

"What are you thinking about?" Logan asked softly, standing in the doorway

"We did a good job" she smiled at him

"Yes we did" Logan said walking over to Rory "you ready for the party tomorrow?"

"I think so" she sighed

They're friends and family had all flown in for the gender reveal party/ baby shower.

"Let's go to bed" Logan said softly "we've got a big day tomorrow"

They climbed in to bed and snuggled up together. Over the past few weeks, Logan had made it a habit to sleep with his hand on Rory's belly. It's was around 1:30am. They were both sleeping when Rory was jolted awake. She sat up in bed which in turn woke Logan.

"Ace, you ok?"

"Give me your hand" Rory said

"What?" Logan asked, sitting up

"Your hand! Give me your hand!" Rory said frantically

Rory took Logan's hand and put it on her stomach.

"Holy shit, Ace. What the hell is that?" Logan asked with a freaked out look on his face

"The babies are kicking" she whispered and a tear ran down her face

"Ace, that's amazing. Why are you crying?"

"I don't know" she said still crying. Her hormones had been all over the place the last few days

"Come here" he wrapped his arms around her and pulled her into his chest and kissed the top of her head.

Rory sat there with Logan's arms around her and her hands on her belly until she calmed down.
She took one of Logan's hands and put it on her belly.

"It's a little freaky" he said

"Imagine it being inside of you" Rory chuckled

"They're really in there" Logan said, in amazement. He pressed his forehead against Rory's

"They really are" Rory whispered

They sat like that for a few minutes before Logan spoke again.

"As amazing as this is, we should probably go back to sleep" he whispered



"Hi guys" Rory said as she opened the door letting Zach, Lane and the boys into the party

"Look at you, all pregnant" Lane giggled "remind me how far along you are?"

"21 weeks" Rory said

"No you're not!" Lane exclaimed

"I'm pretty sure" Rory chuckled

"I was that size at like...10 weeks" lane rolled her eyes

"Yeah, but you had twins" Zach pointed out and Rory bit her bottom lip

"Fair enough" Lane said and they walked into the party

"Loin fruit!" Lorelai called out as she, Luke and Will walked through the door

"Hi mom" Rory said hugging her mother

"Turn" lorelai demanded

Rory turned to the side and got a scoff from her mother

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