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"Hey, kiddo" Christopher said, looking uncomfortable

"What the hell are you doing here?" She asked, angrily

"I wanted to see you" Christopher said, softly

"I'm working" Rory said

"I know. I just need a minute"

"How did you even know I was in New York?"

"I read the New York Times" Christopher said

"Oh" Rory picked at the skin around her thumb nail. There's was a knock at the door "come in"

"Oh. Sorry to interrupt" Connor said

"You aren't interrupting anything, Connor" Rory assured him "what did you need?"

"Logan is here, with the babies, for lunch" Connor said "he's waiting for you by the elevators"

"Ok. Thank you Connor. Please tell him I'll be there in a minute " Rory turned back to Christopher when Connor left "you need to leave"


"Dad!" Rory yelled "I can't do this with you. Especially not while I'm at work"

"Meet me for coffee"


"I want to meet you for coffee. This afternoon" Christopher said

"I don't have time"

"Then this weekend" Christopher said

"Dad..." Rory groaned

"How about this. I'll be at the coffee shop on the corner at 11:30 Saturday morning. Join me if you want"

"Why?" Rory asked


"Why now?"

"I want to know you. I want to be in your life"

"You mean you want to be in my kids' lives" Rory rolled her eyes

"No. I mean... of course I want to know them too but I want to be in your life" Christopher said

"I'm sorry but I don't believe that. You had 26 years to be in my life and you never were" Rory said 

"Ace, you coming?" Logan poked his head through the door "oh, Christopher"

"Hi Logan" Chris said looking at the floor

"Take your time, Ace" Logan said and closed the office door

"I'll let you go. Please consider coffee" Christopher said

Rory grabbed her purse and escorted Christopher out of the office. Logan was waiting right outside the door, with the stroller.

"Bye Rory" Chris said

"Why is your dad here?" Logan asked

"I don't know" Rory sighed

"Wanna talk about it?" Logan offered

"Not right now" Rory said

Logan put his arm around Rory and hugged her. "Let's go have lunch"


The following Saturday Rory walked into the coffee shop to meet Christopher.

"Rory!" Chris waved Rory overs Rory went and sat down across from him "you have no idea how happy I am that you came"

"You wanted to talk. So talk" Rory said, coldly

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