The flu

469 11 3

March 6th 2013

Logan woke up and kissed Rory's cheek, And noticed she felt a little warm. He pressed the back of his hand against her forehead.

"Ace, wake up" Logan whispered

"Mmmm" Rory groaned

"Ace, you're burning up"

"So that's why I feel like I got hit by a bus" Rory mumbled

"Go back to sleep" Logan said and kissed her cheek

He got up and went to Elle's room. She was still sleeping. He crouched down next to her bed and felt her head, she still had a fever.

He went to Ems room. She wasn't there. He walked downstairs and saw her sitting in the couch looking at a book.

"Hi, Em" Logan said

"Daddy!"Em ran up to Logan and hugged his leg

"Shhh" she shushed her "mommy and Elle are still sleeping"


"Because they're not feeling well" He explained

He gave Em breakfast and then went to check on Em and Rory. Em was still sleeping so he went into his and Rory's room, and Rory want in bed. Then he heard her throwing up. He walked into the bathroom and collected Rory's hair.

"Can I bring you anything?" He offered

"I have to call work" she groaned

"I'll do it" He helped her back into bed and then called her assistant, Mason

Logan was in the kitchen drinking coffee and watching Em color, at the table when the phone rang

"Loin fruit" Lorelai said into the phone

"Guess again" Logan chuckled

"Hi Logan"

"Hi Lorelai"

"Rory leave for work already?"

"No. She's in bed" Logan told her

"Why?" Lorelai asked "I thought she was feeling better"

"She is...or, she was" Logan said "Elle has the flu or something and it appears Ace caught it from her"


"Yeah" Logan sighed

"Well, I'm sure you have your hands full, so I'll let you go" lorelai said "tell Rory I said to feel better"

"I will, bye"

Logan sat and colored with Em until he heard Elle crying.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Logan walked into Ells room and crouched next to her bed

"I don't feel good" she cried

"I know. I'm sorry, baby" Logan stroked her hair "I'll get you some more medicine"
Logan gave Elle more Tylenol and then went to check on Rory

"How's Elle?" Rory asked, quietly when she saw Logan walk in

"Hot" Logan sighed "I just gave her some more Tylenol"

"Bring her in here" Rory said


"We're both sick anyway and when I was sick as a kid, all I wanted was to cuddled my mom" Rory said "she can lay in here today"

"Alright, then"

Logan brought a sleeping Elle into his and Rory's room and put her in the bed, next to Rory.

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