Here we go again...

417 9 2

August 29th 2013

Logan called everyone. Lorelai and Luke, Christopher, Emily and Richard, Mitchum and shira, Honor and Josh, the LDB gang, Lane and April


"Ok" Logan walked back into Rory's room "I called everyone but told them it'll still be awhile so there's no need to rush. Your mom and Luke should be here in a couple of hours."

"Thank you" Rory said

"Are you ok?"


"Are you sure? Because I know you were looking forward to doing it naturally this time"

"I was. But regardless of how he gets here, in a matter of hours we'll have a little baby boy"


"I just spoke to April" Logan said "she and Oliver are at the house with the kids. The girls are fine."

"Did she tell them what's going on?" Rory asked

"No, she wasn't sure if we wanted her to. She told them we had something to do but that we love them and we'll see them soon"

"Ok" Rory took a deep breath

"Do you want them to come here?" Logan asked

"Not yet" Rory told him "I don't want them to see me in pain and get scared"


"Knock knock" lorelai said poking her head in

"Hi mom" Rory said

"Can I come in?" Lorelai asked

"Of course" Logan told her

"How are you doing?" Lorelai asked

"It looks like my kids don't like to be upside down" Rory said

"I don't even know what that means" Lorelai chuckled

"It means another C-section" Rory told her

"Oh, that sucks" lorelai said

"It's ok" Rory sighed "regardless of how it happens in a matter of hours we'll have a little baby-"

"Girl?" Lorelai interrupted "boy?"

"Mom" Rory laughed "I'm not gonna tell you"




"How does the baby get out?" Will asked

"Um.." Rory chuckled and looked between Luke and lorelai

"Well, they're gonna make a cut in Rory's tummy to get him" Lorelai explained

"Easier to explain a C-section than a natural birth, huh?" Logan said

"Definitely" Luke chuckled


"Hey, kiddo"

"Dad!" Rory exclaimed "I didn't think you were gonna come"

"Of course I came" Chris bent down to hug Rory "Gigi's here too. She's waiting in the hallway. She didn't want to come in if you didn't want her to"

"Gigi you can come in!" Rory called out

"Hi" Gigi said, shyly

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