
392 10 1

August 12th 2013- 35 weeks

Rory stood in the doorway of Em's room watching her sleep.

"Ace" Logan whispered "what are you doing?"

"I couldn't sleep"

Logan wrapped his arms around Rory "what's wrong?"

"Nothing, really" she sighed "between tic tac kicking me in the ribs and worrying about Em, sleep wasn't really a possibility"

"Why are you worried about Em?"

"Preschool. I know Elle will be fine because she's like you, social butterfly. But Em is shy and quiet and what's if she doesn't make any friends? Or what if she doesn't like her lunch and she's hungry all day? Or what if-"

Logan put his hands on her shoulders "she'll be fine"

"But what if she isn't?"

"Then they'll call us and I can be there in 10 minutes"

A tear escaped Rory's eye.

"Hey" Logan wiped the tear away "are you gonna be ok, today?"

Rory sniffled and nodded


"I'm fine" Rory wiped away a few more tears

"You can't cry when we drop them off. You know that right?"

"I know"

"If you cry they'll get upset"

"I know. I know." Rory insisted "I will hold it together...At least until we get in the car"

"Ok. Do you want to pick them up or do you want me to?"

"I'd like to do it if you don't mind"

"Whatever you want, Ace" Logan kissed her


"Elle, sweetie, finish your breakfast. We need to leave soon" Logan said, putting on Em's shoes

"Ok. We have 2 backpacks. 2 changes of clothes. 2 water bottles." Rory said walking in to the kitchen with the girls' backpacks.

"Perfect" Logan said "Elle did you finish?"


"Come here, I'll help you with your shoes" Logan said

5 minutes later they were in the car

"Are you girls excited?" Logan asked

"Yeah, there's gonna be so many friends!" Elle said

"And lots of books!" Em added

"Yes there will" Logan laughed

A few minutes later they were at the preschool.

"-and you'll ask Ms Julia if you need anything, right?" Rory fixed Elle's sweatshirt

"Yup" Elle nodded

"Ok" Em said

"Is it their first time away from you?" Someone asked

"Yeah" Rory sighed

"Well this place is great" she assured them "my oldest is about to start second grade and he's been going here since he was a year old. Linda Marsh"

"Rory Huntzberger. Nice to meet you"

"You too" Linda said "my son Daniel is over there"

"This is Lorelai and Emilia but we call them Elle and Em" Rory told her "And my husband went to fill out some paperwork but he should be back any minute"

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