Will's first birthday

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"Ace, I'm home!" Logan called out as he walked into the apartment

"Bedroom!" Rory shouted down

"Hey" Logan said appearing in the bedroom. He walked over to Rory and kissed her

"Hey! So. Our flight is at 10 tomorrow" Rory told him "and just a heads up, moms all annoyed that Wills birthday is on a Friday, because it means going to my grandparents, who by the way will probably be mad we haven't seen them since the wedding"

"I'm sure it'll be fine" he assured her

"I hope so" she said, zipping up her bag "you all packed?"


"Good" Rory said patting his chest "let's go to bed I'm exhausted"


"There they are!" Emily said when she saw Rory and Logan walked into the parlor

"Hi everyone" Logan said as he and Rory sat down with Emily, Richard,Lorelai, Luke, April and Will.

"How's the birthday boy?" Rory asked picking up Will and holding him on her lap

"Oh, well, you know. Had a temper tantrum this morning because I wouldn't let him eat a battery and then laughed at a cup with Elmo on it for 20 minutes" Lorelai told them

"That's what babies do, Lorelai" Emily said

"Really? I Didn't know that. It's not like I've had 2" Lorelai said sarcastically

"Changing the subject now." Emily said "Rory, Logan, any plans for one of your own anytime soon?" Emily asked, causing Rory to choke on her drink

"Mom..." lorelai warned

"I can't inquire about my granddaughters life?" Emily asked

"No, you can" Lorelai said, realizing her mother would drop the question

"So?" Emily asked turning back to Logan and Rory

"So what?" Rory asked

"Do you two have plans for children anytime soon?" Emily asked again

"Well,um...I guess it depends on what you'd define as soon" Rory said, wishing they could be talking about anything else. Logan took her hand And squeezed it gently.

"Before the end of the year" Emily said

"Wow. Um...definitely not" Rory said chuckling a little

"Why not?" Richard asked

"Dad..." lorelai said

"It's not an unreasonable question, Lorelai" Richard said

"Can we change the subject please?" Rory asked

"I second that" Luke chimed in. He knew Rory was an adult, and married, but he still liked to think of her as the little girl who would sit at the counter in his diner, reading

"Fine" Emily relented "let's move into the dining room. I had the maid make Wills favorite meal"

"Mom, he's a year old . His favorite meal is scrambled eggs, sweet potatoes and blueberries" Lorelai said

"I know that" Emily scoffed

"You made scrambled eggs and sweet potatoes?" Lorelai asked in disbelief

"With broccoli and blueberry yogurt for dessert" Emily said


"Woah" Logan said walking into the living room of Luke and Lorelai's house

"Yeah" Rory nodded "my mom does birthdays, big"

"It's excessive" Luke chimed in

"Hey!" Lorelai shouted "It's not excessive"

"He won't remember it" Luke said, trying to reason with his wife

"But I will" Lorelai argued

"Whatever you want" Luke said and kissed Lorelai

"Great. So, people will start getting here any minute so let's make sure we have everything ready" lorelai said "Rory would you mind going over to Sookies to help her bring the cake?"

"Sure" Rory said

"I'll come with you" Logan offered. And they left to get the cake from sookie.

"So..." Logan said as they walked to Sookies

"What?" Rory asked

"You ok?" He asked

"What do you mean?" She asked

"About your grandparents baby interrogation last night" he clarified

"Oh, that" she chuckled nervously

"You could've told them what we decided" He told her

"Yeah but it's none of the business" she said "and we didn't really decide anything for sure"

"Come here" Logan took her hand and led her to a bench in the gazebo "let's settle this now"


"I'm open to having kids whenever you want" Logan told her

"For real?" She asked

"Yup" Logan smirked

"Ok..." Rory sighed "what do you way we start trying after new years?" She suggested

"What do you mean by 'try'?" Logan asked

"Well I'd go off my birth control, and it happens when it happens" she explained

"Sounds good, Ace" he kissed her "let's go get that cake"


"This is a great cake, Sookie" Logan said as everyone sat around the table watching Will make a mess with his cake

"It really is" Rory agreed "and I think Will agrees"

"Thanks guys" Sookie said

After everyone cleared out Rory and Logan were helping Lorelai clean up, Luke had to go to the diner

"It was a great party mom" Rory said

"Yeah?" Lorelai asked

"Better than any of my birthdays growing up" Logan said, his phone started to ring "sorry I have to take this" He walked outside

"So...how do you feel about all the baby talk from last night" Lorelai asked Rory when the two were left alone

"Fine" Rory said

"That's all you're gonna say?" Lorelai scoffed

"The questioning was a little uncomfortable" Rory admitted

"Yeah, and it's none of their business" Lorelai rolled her eyes

"Yeah, they don't need to know our plans" Rory said

"Plans?" Lorelai asked in a surprise tone "there are plans?"

"Not really" Rory lied

"Oh, ok"

"Hey, Ace. Our flight got moved to tomorrow morning" Logan said walking back inside



"Bye guys" Logan said as he stood outside the airport with Lorelai, Will, Rory, and Logan

"Bye Luke. Bye lorelai, bye Will" Logan said

"My mom" Rory said hugging her mom "bye bye Will" she said and waved at her little brother earning Wills version of a wave back

"Bye kid. Call when you get home" Lorelai said

"I will" Rory said before she and Logan walked into the airport

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