Valentine's Day

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AN: this will be a pretty short chapter. I have some fun ideas but I needed kind of a filler

February 13th 2014

"Grandpa Chris!" Elle ran down the stairs when there was a knock at the door

"Hold on there, missy" Logan grabbed her  "let me get the door

"Hi Chris" opened the door "come in"

"Hi, Logan"

"Grandpa Chris!" Elle ran up to Chris and hugged his leg

"Hey munchkin" Chris bent down to hug her "where's your sister?"

"Rory's giving her a bath" Logan told him "she should be down any minute"


"Just a heads up she's spent every day with Lucas every day since he was born and we've never been away from the girls overnight, so Rory's pretty nervous"

"Hi dad" Rory came down the stairs

"Hi kiddo" Chris hugged Rory

"Grandpa Chris!" 'Em ran up to Chris and hugged him

"Hi, Em" Chris hugged her

"Ace, we got get going" Logan told her

"Ok" Rory took a deep breath "Lucas is still sleeping in our room so we set you up in there. I hope that's ok"

"That's fine" Chris said

"Lucas is asleep but he'll probably wake up in about an hour for a bottle. The girls had dinner and they've all had a bath. There are bottles for Lucas in the fridge and his schedule is on the cork board in the kitchen along with Evelyn's number. The girls are friends with her kids and she offered to have them over tomorrow if you need. Aprils number is also on the board and so is mom's. The baby monitor is on the coffee table. Elle has dance tomorrow at 4, I left the address on the cork board."  Rory rambled


"What?" Rory turned to look at Logan

"We'll be fine" Chris chuckled "I've watched them before"

"But not overnight" Rory said "what if something happens?"

"I have both of your cell numbers. Lorelai's number. Luke's number. Richard and Emily. April" Chris listed "plus I am an adult who can handle whatever happens"

"Ok" Rory sighed and bent down to the girls level "I love you so much. Have so much fun with grandpa Chris and we'll be home in Saturday in time to put you to bed" she kissed both of their foreheads

Logan hugged and kissed each of the girls "bye girls. I love you"

"Bye bye" Em waved

"Bye" Elle said


"It still looks the same" Rory said as they walked into the Huntzberger house on Martha's Vineyard

"Yeah" Logan put the bags down by the door and wrapped his arms around Rory's waist from behind "except unlike last time we were here, we're here alone" he kissed her neck


February 14th 2014

Rory woke up to Logan gently kissing her neck. She turned to look at him

"Happy Valentine's Day" Rory said, softly

"Right back at you, Ace" He kissed her "so I was thinking, we should go for a walk on the beach after breakfast. What do you think?"

"That sounds great"


"It's so beautiful here" Rory said as she and Logan walked down the beach, Logan's arm around Rory's waist

"We should bring the kids here sometime"

"Oh, it would be so nice to bring them. Maybe in the summer"

"Summer would be great"


February 15th 2014

"We're home!" Rory called out when she and Logan walked into the house

"Mommy! Daddy!" The girls ran up to them and hugged them

"Oh, I missed you girls so much" Rory said, still hugging the girls "where are grandpa and Lucas?" She let go of the hug

"Right here" Chris came down the stairs holding Lucas.

"My baby!" She took Lucas from Chris "we're they ok?"

"They were great" Chris assured her "also I'm officially impressed by you guys

"What?" Logan chuckled

"I took care of 3 young kids for 2 days and I'm exhausted." Chris said "you guys do it full time and work"

"Well, I'm not back at work yet" Rory said

"Still" Chris said

"Well thank you for watching them we really appreciate it" Logan said

"Anytime" Chris said "bye girls" Chris left

"Oh, my babies. I missed you so much" Rory hugged the girls against

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