A trip to Yale

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November 10th 2018- 12 weeks

Rory woke up Saturday morning to Logan softly rubbing his hand back and forth between her knee and her hip. She turned her head to look at him.

"Morning, Ace" he kissed her

"Morning" she smiled

"How are you feeling?" He asked. Rory had been up, sick in the middle of the night

"Better" she told him

"Are you sure?"

"Promise" she assured him

"Good. Because I have an idea"


"Nope" he smiled "it'll be a surprise"

"Are you serious?" She turned the rest of her body to face Logan


"Because we haven't had enough surprises lately?" She joked

"Nothing crazy. Nothing wild. You, me, the kids, it'll be fun"

"Fine" Rory relented

"Good" he kissed her "Get up. Get dressed. We leave as soon as everyone is up and ready" he got out of bed and walked into his closet


"Where are we going?" Em asked as Rory Logan and the kids sat at the kitchen table eating waffles

"It's a surprise" Logan said, taking a sip of his juice

"A surprise for us?" Lucas asked, hopefully

"It's mostly a surprise for your mom but everyone will have fun" Logan said

"Are we going to that beachy, wine place you guys go to on Valentine's Day?" Elle asked

"Do you mean Martha's Vineyard?" Rory asked and Elle nodded

"Good guess" Logan said "but no"

"Stars Hollow?" Lucas asked hopefully

"Nope" Logan grinned

"Are you ever gonna tell us?" Em asked

"Yes" Logan said

"When?" Rory asked

"When we get there?" Logan chuckled


"Are we almost there?" Elle asked as they drove

"We're about 20 minutes away. Which means..." Logan reached onto the cup holder of the driver side door "here" he handed something too Rory, who was in the passenger seat

"Seriously?" Rory raised an eyebrow

Logan just gave her a look

"Putting it on" Rory chuckled and shook her head

"Why does mommy need a blindfold?" Lucas asked

"Because if she didn't wear one, in about 3 minutes she would know where we're going" Logan told them

"How?" Em asked

"Because she would recognize the area" Logan explained


"Logan" Rory giggled as Logan guided her so she wouldn't walk into anything. The kids were walking next to them "I'm gonna trip"

"Do you think I'd let you trip?" Logan asked incredulously "kids, would I let your mom trip?"

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