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"Ooh! Ooh! Luke answer it it might be Rory!" Lorelai called to Luke from her position on the couch feeding Will when she heard the phone ring

"It's was Liz" Luke said joining Lorelai on the couch

"God I hate this!" She groaned "It's been 2 weeks and everything the phone rings I think it's gonna be Rory calling to tell me it happened"

"Maybe he's gonna do it at Christmas" Luke said

"You think he's gonna do it here?!"

"I don't know, but Christmas would be a good time to propose"

"I guess" she said standing up to burp Will


"Ok so Thursday the 20th is your company Christmas gala, we're leave for Connecticut early Friday morning and Friday night is the Gilmore's Christmas party, and then Sunday is the Huntzberger Christmas party. We're spending Christmas in Stars Hollow and then going to New York for New years." Rory rattled off their plans for the holidays as she paced around the kitchen "am I forgetting anything?"

" No but you can cross off my parents party" Logan took a sip of his coffee "we aren't going"

"Logan" Rory said softly putting a hand on his shoulder

"I'm not talking about this Rory. If they can't respect you and our relationship then they don't need to see us"

"Ok but not going to the party won't only make them look bad, it makes you look bad too"

"Ok. We can go but the second they take a shot at you we're leaving"

"Whatever you want" Rory said kissing his cheek "I'm gonna call my mom and let her know when we'll be arriving"



"Hello?" Luke said pickup up the phone

"Hey Luke is mom there?" Rory asked



"Yeah I'm here" Luke squeaked out "hold on I'll get your mom" he lowered the phone to his side "it's Rory" Luke whispered to Lorelai who was sitting a few feet away on the couch.

"Oh my god!" She took a deep breath and took the phone "hey kid how's it going?" She asked trying to act calm

"Its going good. Just wanted to confirm with you that we're flying in on the 21st"

"Oh" Lorelai said

"You regretting inviting us?" Rory asked faking offense

"No, no I was just thinking" she said "you're flying in Friday the 21st before the party. Got it"

"Great , bye mom"

"Bye kid"

AN: I know this was a really short chapter but it was more of a filler.

Please leave comments letting me know how you like the story and what you'd like to see happening.

The proposal will happen sometime in the next few chapters, I'm debating if I Logan should propose at Christmas or on New Year's Eve. Let me know what you think.

As always read and review

Xoxo Abigail.

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