9 weeks

389 8 1

October 17th 2018- 9 weeks

"Ok. Lucas you're going to Dylan's house after school. His mom is gonna pick you up. Elle I'll be outside the studio at 6:00 when you're don't with rehearsal. Em your dad and I are gonna be at your school today during lunch for a meeting with your principal"Rory said as she handed them their lunch boxes

"Why?" Em asked

"I don't know" Rory admitted

"Ok" Em shrugged



"Ok. I'm due May 21st so you'll take over from April..." Rory looked at a calendar "8th"

"Ok" Laura said

"And I'll probably come back to work early October"

"No problem" Laura smiled

"Ok" Rory sighed "now that that's settled, I have a meeting an Em's school. I'll be back around 1"

"See you later" Laura said

Rory started to walk away

"Rory?" Laura called out





"Any idea what this meetings about?" Logan asked when he met up with Rory in the school parking lol

"Not a clue" Rory said "we know she's not in trouble"

"Do you think they want to move her down a grade? Maybe 6th grade is too much for an 8 year old"

"She'll be 9 soon"

"Still really young"

"She's got the highest gpa in the grade. I can't imagine why they would move her down"

"Mom! Dad!" Em called out when she saw them in the hallway

"Hi" Logan hugged her

"How's your day going" Rory asked

"We had algebra and I got an A+ on the pop quiz that we had last week" Em told them, excitedly

"Good job, kid"

"Baby face, are you coming?" A girl called out from a few feet away

"I'll meet you there" Em called back

"Baby face?" Rory raised an eyebrow

"We all have nicknames and since I'm the youngest in the group, the baby, mine in baby face" Em explained

"Ok" Logan chuckled "go have lunch. We'll see you at home"

Rory and Logan went and sat down outside the principals office.

"Mr and Mrs Huntzberger?" The receptionist asked

"Yes?" Logan stood up

"Principal Williams will see you now"

Rory and Logan walked into the office

"Please, have a seat" principal Williams said "I'm sure you're wondering why I've called you here"

"Yes" Rory said

"I'd like to discuss moving Emilia up another grade level" he told them

"Another one?" Logan asked, surprised

"You can't take some time to think about it but she's already taking 7th grade level English, Spanish, science and history. That's 2 thirds of her classes" the principal explained

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