Time flies

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September 23rd 2010

"Come here, Em" Rory said holding her arms out. She sat on the floor, a few feet away from Logan who was holding Em up so she was standing "you can do it"

"Go to mama" Logan said

Em started took a few steps towards Rory. Before Rory grabbed her

"Good job ladybug!" Rory squealed

"I can't believe they're both walking" Logan sighed

"I don't know if 5 steps, one time counts as walking"  Rory laughed

"You know what I mean"


October 31st 2010

It was Halloween and Rory and Logan had taken the twins to trick or treat in Stars Hollow

"Peanut butter?" Lorelai asked, as Rory walked into her living room with Emilia

"Elle's dressed as jelly" Rory laughed

"That makes more sense"

They were walking around the Stars Hollow Halloween festival when Lane saw them and came over

"Holy cow! they're huge!" Lane said when she reached Rory and Logan who were each holding on of the twins

"You're one to talk" Rory chuckle "Steve, Kwan. You guys got so big!"

"Mommy said we grow too fast" Kwan said

"I did say that" Lane admitted

"I'm feeling that too" Rory sighed "they're gonna be a year old in a few weeks"

"That's crazy" Lane laughed

They talked for a few more minutes before going theirs separate

Over the next couple of hours they walked around and talked to everyone in town, everyone marveled at how big the girls were getting. They were back at the crap shack and the babies were in pajamas, waddling around the living room

"Ok, wills asleep" Luke said

"Amazing" Lorelai sighed 

"Ok, girlies" Logan said and stood up from the couch "your turn"


November 27th 2010

"No no no!" Elle yelled running past Logan

"Elle Belle" Logan groaned

"Need hep?" Lorelai  laughed 

"I got it" Logan said. Elle ran past him again and he grabbed her

"No no no no no" she giggled as Logan wrestled her into a shirt that had a giant number one on it

"Finally" Rory teased

"Yeah, yeah"

"They have a 1 on their shirts" Will said

"Yes they do" Rory nodded

"Why?" Will asked

"Because they turn 1 today" Rory explained

"Why?" Will asked again

"Because they were born exactly one year ago" Rory said

"Why?" Will asked, yet again

"This is starting to head somewhere that's not quite age appropriate for a 3 year old" Rory said

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