Valentines day

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"Ok" Logan said flapping an envelope down on the counter " that's the last one"

"No way!" Rory said looking at her lists

"Way" Logan smirked

"The last one?" She asked in shock "we finished all of them?"

"Every last invitation. Addressed and sealed" "he smiled "plus our wedding party proposal thingies"

"Don't call them thingies" Rory said lightly smacking Logan's shoulder

"Well what would you call them?" Logan asked smirking

"I don't know. 'That piece of paper that our closest friends will get they says 'will you be my bridesmaid/ groomsman?' on them' " Rory joked

"Sure" Logan rolled his eyes "so just to check they're addressed right ... I have have Finn, Colin, and Robert and you have Lane, Paris and Honor."

"Right" she yawned

"Ok I think that's our cue to go to sleep. I have very special plans for Valentine's Day, tomorrow. We can mail the invitations tomorrow morning" Logan told her, starting to walk upstairs behind Rory.


Rory woke up to the smell of coffee and waffles. She got out of bed and left the room  to find Logan walking up the stairs with a tray of coffee, orange juice, waffles, bacon and eggs.

"What are you doing?" Rory asked smiling

"Bringing you breakfast in bed" Logan said "happy Valentine's Day" he gave her a quick kiss before they headed back to their room

They ate breakfast and discussed their wedding. Logan told Rory that he mailed out the invitations early that morning.
They talked about future plans before they eventually had to get ready for work.

"So. Are you conga tell me what we're doing tonight?" Rory asked as the stuff in the bathroom putting on earrings

"Nope" Logan grinned

"You really won't tell me?" Rory asked

"No" Logan walked up behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist "but I promise you'll love it" he kissed her cheek

"Fine" Rory relented "I gotta go. See you tonight" she kissed him quickly and left


"Logan?" Rory called out when she walked into her apartment, but she got no answer. "Logan, I can see your coat I know you're home" Rory told  him. And started walking toward the kitchen. As she got closer to the kitchen she heard music. She opened the door to see Logan standing there in a suit holding 2 glasses of champagne.

"Happy Valentine's Day" he said smiling

"Oh my god. This is incredible" she said, looking around to see a romantic dinner set up on the island with candles and flowers.

"Well I considered making reservations but I know you've been working really hard lately between the post and the wedding so I thought you might enjoy a more quiet evening"

"Well, I appreciate it" she kissed him "thank you"

"Anything for you, Ace"

"So... what's that smell?" Rory asked

"I made that spicy lemon salmon you like" Logan said grinning

They ate their dinner of salmon and broccoli, talked and exchanged gifts before Logan asked Rory if she wanted to dance.

"Really?" Rory asked, surprised

"Yes, really"

"Ok then" Rory smiled and took the hand that Logan was holding out for her

Loan out his hands on Rory's waist and Rory wrapped her arms around Rory shoulders and they dance to Ed Sheeran's Perfect.

AN: yes I know that song wouldn't have been out at that point but let's just ignore that.

They danced to a few more songs before heading up to bed.


Logan woke up a little after 2am, feeling really warm. He noticed that's Rory was sweating and looked restless. He touched the back of his hand to her neck and she was really hot. He jumped out of bed and ran into the bathroom to find a thermometer before running back to the bed and kneeling down beside Rory.

"Ace! Ace wake up!" He whispered

"What?" Rory groaned

"Ace you're burning up" he told her "put this under your tongue" he said putting the thermometer in her mouth. A minute later it beeped "holy shit, Ace. 102.2" he gasped when he saw her temperature. He ran downstairs and got a glass of water and 2 Advil and brought them up to Rory.

"Here, sit up and take these" he instructed her

She had woken up a little more and this point and went to sit up when she was hit with a sharp pain that caused her to double over in pain

"Ahh" she groaned. Holding her side

"What? What happened?!" Logan was fully panicked at this point. He had seen Rory sick before but never this sick.

"Stomach hurts" she groaned. Logan helped her lie back down and she took the pills he brought her before drifting back to sleep

Unsure of what to do, Logan called lorelai.

After several rings she answered "Rory, It's like 2am, I swear to god" she grumbled

"Lorelai its me" Logan told her

"Logan? Is everything ok?" Lorelai asked

Logan explained the situation.

"Wow um.... Give me at second to think" Lorelai said

"Ok" Logan said and then he heard talking on the other end

"Luke wake up!"

"It's the middle of the night" Luke grumbled

"Rory's really sick" Logan heard lorelai tell Luke


"She has a fever of 102.2 and stomach pains or something" Logan heard before Lorelai out the phone down and he couldn't hear anymore

"Lorelai?" Logan asked

"Ok, Luke said you should call an ambulance" Lorelai told him "we're gonna try and get a flight out there"

"Ok" Logan said "I'll keep you updated" Logan said before hanging up


They had been in the ER for almost 3 hours getting tests done. Logan had been waiting, pacing around Rory's bed while she slept for 20 minutes when the doctor came in.

"Do I need to wake her?" Logan whispered

"Yes" the doctor said

"Ace." Logan whispered, brushing a hair out her face with his finger "the doctor wants to talk to you" he told her. Rory opened her eyes and looked at the doctor

"Ms Gilmore, it appears you have appendicitis." The doctor told them "you'll need surgery as soon as possible. Someone will be by to take you to up shortly. Mr Huntzberger I'll show you to where you can wait"

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