Richard gilmore

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October 12th 2015

"Don't forget to have those papers on my desk before you leave tonight" Rory reminded her assistant, Melissa

"Ok" Melissa said "anything else?"

"No. Thank you" Rory said

A few minutes later, Rory was working at her desk when her cell phone rang

"Hello?" Rory put the phone to her ear "mom? What's wrong?" ... "what?!" Rory gasped "I'm on my way"

Rory ran out of her office

"Rory?" Laura asked when she saw Rory ran past her "are you ok?"

"No. Um..." Rory stuttered, trying not to cry at work "I need to leave"

"I'll cover you" Laura assured her

"Thanks" Rory thanked her and ran out of the newsroom

10 minutes later Rory was home

"Logan!" Rory shouted

"Ace?" Logan came out of his office "what's wrong? Why aren't you at work?"

"It' uh... my grandpa, he..." she started tearing up

"Richard? Is he ok?" Logan asked, concerned

"I don't even know, really" she sniffled "mom called me and told me I had to come. I have to go to Hartford"

"Let's go" Logan grabbed his coat "I'll call Honor. She'll pick up the kids"

"Logan..." Rory looked at him with tears in her eyes

"Hey" he said softly and wiped her tears away "everything's gonna be ok"


Rory and Logan arrived at Hartford general hospital, just over 2 hours later.

They walked into the waiting room of the hospital and looked around for a second until they spotted Lorelai and Emily hugging and Luke standing next to them looking upset and a doctor a few feet away with her head down.

Rory and Logan ran over to them "mom?" Rory said softly

Lorelai and Emily both looked at Rory. They were crying.

Lorelai put her hand on Rory's arm. Rory didn't need her to say it. The look on Lorelai's face told her what she needed to know.

"No" Rory whispered and put her hand over her mouth, the beginnings of tears in her eyes

"I'm sorry kid" Lorelai sniffled "he's gone"

Rory started crying. Lorelai pulled her into a hug and Emily joined. The 3 stayed like that, crying for a few moments while Luke and Logan just stood there in shock.


October 19th 2015

"Mommy" Elle said from the kitchen table where she was sitting, eating breakfast with Em and Lucas

"Mama?" Em asked

"Ace" Logan put a hand on her shoulder, snapping her out of her thought

"What?" Rory turned away from the window to look at Logan

"The girls" he told her

"Mommy are you ok?" Elle asked

"I'm fine, baby." Rory assured them "I'm just sad about grandpa Richard"

"Me too" Em said

"That's ok" Logan assured her "It's ok to be sad"

A tear fell from Em's eye and started rolling down her cheek. Em looked away from them.

"Hey" Rory walked over to Em to hug her "it's ok" Rory held Em close and put a hand on the back of Em's head.

Rory held Em for a few moments while she cried into her shoulder

"Hey, I have an idea" Logan said softly patting Elle on the shoulder "why don't we skip school today and go see Nana and grandma Emily?"


"Hi grandma" Rory said, softly when Emily opened the door

"Rory?" Emily asked, surprised "what are you doing here?"

"We thought you could use some company" Logan said

"Come on in"

The sat in the parlor in silence for a few minutes before Em spoke

"Grandma are you sad?" Em asked, quietly

"Yes, dear" Emily answered her

"Me too" Em said, And walked over to Emily and hugged her "daddy said it's ok to be sad"

"I'm back" Lorelai said, walking in with a box of bagels "Rory"

"Hi, mom" Rory sighed

"What are you doing here?" Lorelai asked

"Being sad" Elle answered

"We weren't gonna come until the funeral, tomorrow but we had tears at breakfast this morning so we decided that we should all be together" Logan told her

"How's Will?" Rory asked

"He's ok" Lorelai said "He had a breakdown in school last week and spent a few days at home. He seems to be doing better now"

"And you?" Rory asked

"Holding it together" lorelai exhaled "you?"

"Not quite holding it together" Rory admitted

Lorelai's walked over to Rory and wrapped her arms around her


October 20th 2015

The funeral had ended about an hour ago and everyone was at the Gilmore house for the wake.
Rory was still standing, staring at the casket at the cemetery. Logan was standing a few feet behind her.

"Ace" Logan said softly as he  walked up to Rory "it's time to go"  He put his hand on her back

"I can't" Rory whispered "He cared about me so much. He would've done anything for me, and I never told him how much he meant to me" Rory sniffled, tears streaming down her face

"He knew" Logan said, softly

Rory turned to face Logan. Logan wrapped his arms around her and they stood there for a little while. Rory crying into Logan's shoulder and Logan holding her and rubbing her back

At some point Lorelai walked up a few feet away from them. She gave Logan a questioning look. Logan shook his head.

"Rory" Lorelai said softly

Rory turned around at looked up at Lorelai and wiped her tears.

"It's late" Lorelai put her hand on Rory's arm

Rory nodded


October 26th 2015

"You ready to go back to work?" Logan asked as he and Rory got ready for the day. The kids were already at school.

"I only took 2 weeks off" Rory said

"Yeah but you haven't taken time off since Lucas was born" Logan reminded her

"I'll be fine" Rory assured him " long as I don't start crying" she joked "ok" she took a deep breath "I gotta go"

"I love you" Logan kissed her

"Love you too. Bye"

"Bye" he kissed her again just as she was walking out the door

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