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"Oh my god, that's amazing!" Lane shrieked and hugged Rory "congratulations!"

"Thanks" Rory smiled

"So...any plans yet?" Lane asked

"Not yet. We still have to tell my grandparents and his parents"

"Oof. Good luck" Lane said

"Thanks" Rory said "actually I have to get going, but I'll call you next week and we can talk more." Rory said before leaving lanes house


"Rory!" Lorelai called out from upstairs

"What?" Rory asked, standing at the bottom of the stairs

"I need your pink sweater!"

"It's not here"

"What?" Lorelai asked "why isn't it here?"

"Um...maybe because I don't live here anymore. It's in my closet." Rory answered

"Oh yeah, that" lorelai said coming downstairs

"Why do you need it anyway? You look fine." Rory said

"Thank you!" Luke shouted from upstairs. He has been telling Lorelai she looked fine for 20 minutes

"I wore this last time" Lorelai told them

"So?" Logan asked from his spot on the couch

"My mother will remember" Lorelai groaned "unless..."

"Unless what?" Rory asked her mother, certain she knew where this was going

"Unless you tell her that you guys are engaged before she notices my outfit" Lorelai said

"Mom" Rory groaned "we have to go. You're fine how you are" she rolled her eyes at her mother "Luke are you guys ready?"

"Yeah coming down now" Luke said coming down the stairs handing Will to Lorelai

"Ace you alright?" Logan asked, noticing Rory was stressed

"Yeah. I just have no idea how to tell my grandparents" she groaned

"Isn't this good news?" Logan asked

"Of course it is, but lately they haven't exactly been too pleased with our relationship" Rory sighed

"Why?" Logan asked, thinking he already knew why

"The blame you for Rory moving away" Lorelai said, slipping on her shoes "which is insane because as I recall, you moved to be with her"

"Ok..." Logan said "well regardless of what they think about us getting married, they're definitely gonna take it worse if we're late"

"Don't I know it" lorelai said opening the door


"Tell me a story?" Rory asked her mother as there stood outside the Gilmore house

"Well it help?" Lorelai asked

"Probably not" Rory admitted

"Then no" lorelai said and she knocked on the door.

Rory moved her ring over to her right hand. She didn't need her finger to give away the news before she was ready. The maid opened the door , lol their coats and soon they were settled in the parlor with their drinks.

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