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"Mom?!" Rory asked, surprised when she walked into the house with April and the babies

"Surprise" Lorelai said

"What are you doing here?" Rory asked, while kicking her shoes off

"We came for the weekend" lorelai said

"You knew about this?" Rory asked Logan, who had appeared behind Lorelai

"It was his idea" lorelai chuckled "so, girls. How was the times today?"

"Your daughter is a badass!" April said, excitedly. Logan and Lorelai both looked at Rory "not only does she not take any crap, she dealt with a content shortage while holding a baby all day"

"Why were you holding a baby?" Logan asked, confused

"They called me down to the daycare, not long after we dropped them off. Em was hysterical and they couldn't calm her down" Rory explained

"So you worked all day, holding Em?" Lorelai asked, incredulously

"Pretty much" Rory nodded

"Wow. You're right April. She is a badass" lorelai said and winked at Rory

By this point everyone was sitting on the couch. Elle was on Logan's lap and Em was on Lorelai's lap. 

"I actually have some news" Rory said

"Pregnant!" Lorelai blurted out


"That wasn't a no" Lorelai said

"I'm not pregnant" Rory rolled her eyes "all I'm gonna say is that everyone should read the New York Times tomorrow morning"

"Um...ok" Lorelai said

"Will's asleep" Luke said, coming down the stairs

"Ahhhhh" Em squealed

"Hi dad" April said, and ran up so give him a hug

"Hey, kid. How's the times?" Luke asked

"It's so great! I'm learning a lot and Rory's a badass" April told him, excitedly

"Rory's a what?"

"Can we not do this again?" Rory pleaded

"Sorry" April said

"Ma ma" Em babbled and reached for Rory, who was sitting next to Lorelai

Lorelai looked at Em in shock and then her eyes shot up to Rory "did she just say?-"

"Yes she did" Rory said smiling, and she took Em from Lorelai

"When the hell did that happen?" Lorelai asked, shocked

"A few weeks ago" Rory said "maybe a month. I didn't tell you?"

"You definitely did NOT tell me" lorelai scoffed "I feel old"

"Lorelai" Luke groaned

"Do you know how old most people are by the time they have 2 grandkids?" Rory looked at her mother like the was crazy "I'll give you a hint. It's not 41"

"Whatever" Lorelai rolled her eyes


"You wanna tell me what your big 'New York Times, surprise' thing is?" Logan asked Rory as they were laying in bed later that night

"Nope" Rory smirked

"Come on" Logan whined

"No" Rory chuckled "I'm sorry, but this is one thing you can't know first"

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