News and discussions

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It had been almost three weeks since Rory and Logan has moved into their new apartment. The apartment has 3 bedroom, Rory and Logan took the master of course, they made one a guest room and turned the other into an office for them to share.

"Finally" Rory said flopping down on the bed

"Was that the last box?" Logan asked poking his head out of the bathroom with a toothbrush in his hand

"Yeah. Just in time for mom and Luke's visit too"

"There staying until Monday right?" Logan asked to confirm

"Yes and they get here Friday, which means we only have tomorrow to get everything ready" she Reminded him

"Relax Ace" he said leaning over and kissing her "you mom will love the place"

"I hope so" Rory sighed

"She will" Logan assured her sliding into bed "go to sleep" he kissed her one more time before they snuggled up together in their new bed, in their new apartment, and fell asleep.


"Helloooo" Rory heard Lorelai's voice over the intercom and chuckled

"Hold on mom, I'll buzz you up"

"Ooh fancy" Lorelai teased as she walked into the apartment

"Hi mom" Rory said hugging her mother

Her mom tried to break the hug but Rory didn't let go "oh...ok" Lorelai said with a chuckle

"Don't let go yet" Rory said. They hugged for a few more moments before Rory spoke again "ok missy, turn to the side" she told Lorelai.

"Ugh I'm huge I know" she groaned "and only 6 months"

"You look great mom" Rory assured her

"Hey Lorelai, Luke" Logan said coming down the stairs

"This is a great apartment guys" Lorelai said looking around the living room

"Well we like it" Rory joked

"I'd hope so" Luke said

After Logan and Rory had given Lorelai and Luke a tour of the apartment and they put their bags in the guest room they sat at the island in the kitchen talking when Lorelai and Luke exchanged a look.

"Care to clue us in there guys?" Rory teased

"Actually yes" Lorelai said smiling and slid a sonogram picture across the counter to where Rory was standing next to Logan.

"Oh thats great, guys" Logan said

"Yeah" Rory agreed "It's weird to think that I'm just 3 months I'll have a little sibling"

Lorelai giggled

"Ok what's up with her?" Rory asked Luke

"She has some news to share" he told her

"Well, now I'm all curious what is it?" Rory said excitedly

Lorelai slid another sonogram picture across the counter but this time gave down.

Rory picked it up at her jaw dropped "oh my god! Are you serious?!"

"Yup" Lorelai said grinning

"What? What is it?" Logan asked

Rory turned the card around, on it was a sonogram picture of the baby but on the bottom in big blue letters was written:  William Lucas Danes

"It's a boy?!" Rory asked excitedly

"Yeah"Luke said

"How did you choose the name?" Logan asked

"Well I thought we should continue the tradition of naming our kids after ourselves but Luke didn't want a baby Luke so we decided on the middle name being Lucas" Lorelai explained

"And my fathers name was William" Luke added

"Well I think it's beautiful" Rory said giving her mother and step father a hug

"Congratulations guys" Logan said smiling


"Hey Logan?" Rory said as they were laying in bed that night

"Yeah Ace?"

"Do you want kids?" She asked shyly

"Of course" he said "do you"

"Yeah" Rory told him

It was quiet for a few moments

"Hey Ace?" Logan asked

"Yeah Logan?"

"You want to get married right?" He asked her quietly

"Of course I wanna marry you" she assured him "I just wanna get my career started first"

"So if I proposed now you'd say no?"

"I'd say not right now"

"And if I were to propose 6months from now?" He asked hopefully

"Assuming work goes well when I start, Id say yes" she said smiling

"Ok...good" he said smiling and kissing the top of her head " night Ace"

"Night Logan, I love you"

"I love you too Ace"


Sorry for the shorter chapter but I have big things coming up. Please comment and let me know what you think. Read and review xoxo Abigail

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