Bachelor/ Bachelorette

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"Ace you almost ready?" Logan called out from his position in the closet, fixing his sleeves

"5 minutes" Rory yelled back from the bathroom

"Ok, well hurry up, we're supposed to meet the gang in 15 minutes and it's a 30 minute drive"

"Ok, I'm ready" Rory said appearing behind Logan startling him, causing him to jump a little

"Jeez" Logan exhaled "don't do that" he he said with a hand on his chest, earning a chuckle from Rory

"Sorry" she said stifling a laugh

"Yeah, yeah. Let's go" Logan said taking Rory's hand


"Took you guys long enough" Finn yelled from from a booth when he saw Rory and Logan walk into the bar

"Well hello to you too" Logan said as he and Rory joined Finn, Colin, Robert, Stephanie, Juliet and rosemary in the booth "is there any particular reason for this outing?" Logan asked. The wedding was in a week and Logan and Rory were getting ready to leave for Connecticut the next day.

"Actually yes" Stephanie said

"We have a little surprise for you guys" Finn told them

"Well, are you gonna tell us, or do we have to guess" Logan asked sarcastically

"I think I'll let the surprise tell you" Finn said, causing Rory and Logan to exchange a questioning look

"Surprise!" Lane exclaimed as she and Paris popped from behind Logan and Rory

"Lane? Paris?" Rory said getting up to hug her friends "oh, my god! What are you guys doing here?"

"Well I know you guys said you didn't want to do the whole bachelor/ bachelorette party thing but I couldn't help myself" lane admitted "I got Paris's number from Lorelai and Finn's number from Paris and here we are"

"Finn..." Logan started before Finn interrupted

"Relax mate. no strippers, I promise" Finn said rolling his eyes "but boat for the record I thing that it's insane that you don't want a stripper at your bachelor party"

"I didn't even want a bachelor party" Logan chuckled

"Well you're having one" Paris said "and so are you" she pointed at Rory

"Alright then" Logan said


"So...are you nervous?"  Stephanie asked Rory when the girls arrived at a rooftop club

"No" Rory answered

"Really?" Lane asked, surprised "I was a nervous wreck before my wedding"

"I don't know, I'm just not." Rory shrugged "its well planned and I managed to keep my grandmother out of it so it's exactly what Logan and I want. And as for the actual marriage part, we're basically an old married couple anyway"

"Ok, so tell us about the wedding" Stephanie said "some of us aren't in the wedding party so we don't know anything" she winked

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