We have a present for you...

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2 weeks later:

"Hey, your moms gonna be cool about this, right?" Logan asked, zipping up his bag

"With us staying at the inn?" Rory asked

"With you being pregnant" Logan clarified

"I think as long as the vomit makes it in a trash can or a toilet she'll be fine" Rory joked


"Logan" Rory chuckled "we're adults, we're married and she's been bugging me about grandkids since before we were even engaged"

"So she'll be happy?" Logan asked

"She'll be thrilled" Rory assured him, walking up to him wrapping her arms around his neck and Logan put his arms around her waist "breakfast?"  Rory asked

"You have an appetite?" Logan asked, a little surprised. Rory hadn't had much of an appetite or been able to keep much down the past couple of weeks

"For now" Rory sighed


"Rory!" Michele said excitedly when he saw Rory and Logan walk into the dragonfly

"Hi Michele" Rory smiled "is my mom here?"

"Kitchen" Michele said

"Thanks" rory thanked him before she and Logan went into the kitchen to find Lorelai

"Hey guys!" Lorelai said when she saw them

"Hi mom" Rory said not looking her mother in the eye

"Why are you being weird?" Lorelai asked eyeing Rory

"What? Weird? Me, weird? I'm not being weird. Maybe you're being weird!" Rory stuttered  earning a chuckle from Lorelai and Logan

"Ok." Lorelai chuckled "let me show you your room"

Lorelai showed them to their room and left them to get ready. They were having dinner with Lorelai, Luke and Will that night.

"Here" Logan said handing Rory her shirt "you sure telling them with the shirts is a good idea?"

"Well it's the best I could come up with" Rory shrugged "it's the same news no matter how me tell them" she pulled the shirt on

Rory and Logan planned to tell Luke and lorelai that they were pregnant with t shirts they would wear matching shirts underneath jackets and they would give Luke lorelai and Will each i gift bag with their own shirt inside.

"Do you have the bag with wills shirt?" Rory asked and sat down on the bed

"Yeah on the dresser" Logan said

"Thanks" Rory said. She stood up to grab the bag and was immediately hit with a wave a nausea. She ran into the bathroom and threw up, Logan was close behind to hold her hair.

"You ok?"Logan asked as Rory moved to lay down on the bathroom floor

"Are you gonna ask me that every time I puke for the next 8 months?" Rory snapped

"Sorry" Logan exhaled. He knew Rory's hormones were all over the place so he didn't take it to heart

"No. Logan, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to snap at you" Rory groaned

"It's alright, Ace" he assured her

"Ok..." Rory started to get up "we need to leave"

"I'll get the shirts"


"Well, hello loin fruit and loin fruit's husband" Lorelai said opening the door. Logan chuckled at the nickname, knowing what he and Rory were about to tell them.

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