Family time

659 13 1

September 10th 2009- 24 weeks

"Ace, come on" Logan said into his phone

"I know. I'm sorry" Rory said

"What happened to slowing down?" He asked

"I know" Rory groaned

"Do I need to change our flight?" Logan sighed

"No" Rory answered " I'll be home in time"


"7 at the latest" she took told him

"Alright, see you then" Logan said "love you"

"Love you too. Bye"


"Logan!"  Rory shouted when she walked in the door

"Kitchen, Ace"

"Hi" Rory said, walking into the kitchen

"Hi" Logan kissed her. He put his hand on Rory's belly. While still on the smaller side she was now very visibly pregnant. "They're not kicking?" He asked, sounding disappointed

"Not right now" Rory chuckled

"Alright, well we should leave soon" Logan said "you packed?"



"Loin fruit!" Lorelai called out when she saw Rory and Logan turn the corner in the airport

"Still gross" Rory rolled her eyes

"Whatever." Lorelai said hugging her daughter "turn"

Rory turned to the side and lorelai put her hands on Rory's belly

"You look great" Lorelai told her

"Thanks" Rory smiled at her mother, then yawned

"Alright. It's late." Lorelai said taking Rory's bag from Logan "let's go"

"Guys I can take my own bag" Rory said

"Nope" Logan said


"Rory..." lorelai warned

"Fine" Rory pouted


"We're home!" Lorelai called out as she, Rory and Logan walked into the crap shack

"Hi guys" Luke said "Rory you look great"

"Thanks" Rory smiled

"Rory!" April called out, running down the stairs

"April?! I didn't know you were here" Rory said hugging her

"Yup" Luke said

"I'm going to school in Stars Hollow this year" April told them

"All the kids are here this weekend" Lorelai smiled

"That's great. It's nice to see you" Rory said

"It's nice to see you too" April said "hi Logan"

"Hi April" Logan said

"Oree!" Will said waddling into the room

"Hi Will" Rory said bending down to hug her brother

"Oreo!" Will called out, reaching for Rory when she tried to stand up

Logan picked Will up and handed him to Rory.

"Oreo?" Rory raised an eyebrow

"You started as owee, but then your mother introduced him to Oreos I guess he put the two together and he's been calling you oreo for a week" Luke explained earning a laughs from Logan and April

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