8 weeks

670 11 1

May 23rd 2009:

It was 8am Saturday morning and Logan was in the kitchen drinking tea and reading the paper, hoping Rory would sleep for a couple more hours.

"Hey, you" Rory's said, sitting down next to Logan

"Morning, Ace" he kissed her "feeling ok?"

"For now" she sighed "Logan, you know you don't have to give up coffee just because I can't have it"

"True. But I'm not gonna make coffee if it means you being sick" he said "plus I like to actually be able to kiss my wife" he kissed her.

Earlier in the week Logan had met with a coworker for coffee. When he came home and tried to kiss Rory, the smell of coffee on his breath made her feel sick.

"Ok, fine." She said "so our doctors appointment is at 1 and then I thought were could do lunch"

"You planning on actually eating at lunch?" Logan raised an eyebrow

Rory's doctor told her to start drinking meal replacement shakes, so she didn't lose weight, since she was struggling to keep food down.

"That's the plan" she chuckled

"I'll bring you a shake" Logan told her


"Rory Huntzberger?" A nurse called out

"That's me" Rory said standing up

"Follow me please" the nurse led her and Logan to an exam room where Dr Lee was waiting for her

"Hi Rory, Logan. Nice to see you" the doctor said

"Hi doctor" Rory said

"Ok Rory, you know the drill" the doctor patted the exam table "sit up her, roll the top of your pants down and pull your shirt up"

Rory did as the doctor said. She put the gel on Rory's stomach and started to move around the ultrasound wand. A few moments passed when Logan noticed a change in Dr Lee's face.

"What's wrong?" Logan asked, causing Rory to look up at him and then at the doctor.

"Nothing wrong" she assured them "I just saw something interesting is all" she continued to look at the screen

"Interesting bad?" Rory asked, sounding concerned

"Depends who you ask" Dr Lee chuckled

"I'm lost" Logan said

"Same here" Rory added

Dr Lee turned the screen around so Rory and Logan could see it. She pointed to a spot on the screen.

"You see that?" She asked and they both nodded "that's a baby"

"Ok..." Rory and Logan said together

Dr Lee pointed to something else on the screen.

"And you see that?" She asked and they nodded again "that's also a baby" she told them

"Wait...what?" Logan stuttered

"Are you saying-" Rory started and the doctor finished Rory's thought

"You having twins" Dr Lee told them

"Wow" Logan said

"Double wow, apparently" Rory said earning a laugh from the doctor

"Do you guys need a minute to process this?" Dr Lee offered as she wiped the gel off Rory's stomach

"Please" Logan said

"I'll go print out some pictures for you guys" Dr Lee said and left the room

Logan stood there looking at Rory who was looking at the screen with the beginnings of tears in her eyes.

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