
372 10 4

March 10th 2019- 29 weeks, 6 days


Logan and Rory were sleeping. Logan had his arm around Rory and Rory's head was resting on Logan's shoulder and her hand was on his chest.

A pain jolted Rory awake "ahh" she groaned, quietly and sat up, halfway. She took a few deep breaths and then laid back down and tried to go back to sleep. Just as she was drifting back to sleep she was hit with another pain. "Ow" she whispered, sitting up and putting her hand on her belly. "Logan" she shook him

"What?" Logan asked groggily, eyes still closed

Rory sniffled. Her eyes filled with tears

"Ace?" He opened his eyes and sat up "what's wrong?" Logan asked, concerned

"I don't know" Rory said through tears, breathing shakily "something hurts"

"Ok. Calm down" He rubbed her shoulder

"I can't" Rory said, still crying "what if something wrong?"

"Let's go to the hospital" Logan said "I'll call Honor to come watch the kids"

15 minutes later Logan and Rory were sitting on the couch. Rory was leaning against Logan and he was rubbing her back. She inhaled sharply

"Still hurting?" Logan asked, softly

"Mhmm" Rory nodded

There was a knock at the door.

"Honor" Logan sighed when he opened the door "Thank you so much"

"Anytime" Honor said "how are you feeling, Rory"

Rory shook her head

"Ok.I don't know when we'll be back. So, Elle has a show tomorrow, she needs to be at the theater at 10." Logan said "Em still can't get up and down the stairs on her own so she'll need help, and please make sure she does her physical therapy. Lucas tends to get antsy if he's inside ask day, so he can play in the backyard but he needs a jacket. The kids can help you with breakfast, they know where everything is. You can stay here with them tomorrow or bring them to your place, whatever works best for you."

"Logan. I've watched your kids before" Honor chuckled




"Ok, Rory" the doctor said, walking into the room "it looks like, unfortunately, you need your spleen removed"

"I need surgery?" Rory asked, concerned

"Yes" the doctor nodded "and soon"

"But, the baby-"

"Should be fine" the doctor assured her "Dr Lee will be in there to monitor the baby, and if she needs to she'll do the C-section"

"But it's too early" Logan said

"It's early, but babies born at 29 weeks have a very high chance of survival"

"How high is very high?"

"Over 90%" the doctor said "He may need to spend sone time in the nicu but if he's born today, he should be perfectly fine"



"Ok, see you soon" Logan said into his phone "bye, lorelai"

"What did she say?" Rory asked

"She's on her way. I told her to wait because they'll take you for surgery before she gets here but she wasn't interested "

Rory nodded

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