Summer 2013

452 9 2

June 9th 2013- 26 weeks

Rory woke up early Sunday morning and opened her eyes to see Em standing next to the bed staring back at her.

"We get to see school today" Em whispered

"Yes we do"

"Can we go now?" Em asked

"It's too early, baby" Rory told her "It's only..." she looked at the clock "5:30" she sighed "why are you awake?" She asked and Em shrugged "hop up" she patted the bed

Em climbed up and got settled into Rory's arms.

2 hours later Logan woke up to both twins asleep, cuddled against Rory who was also asleep.

He went downstairs and started to make breakfast.

"Something smells good" Rory walked into the kitchen a few minutes later

"Morning, Ace" he kissed her and put his hand on her belly "morning, tic tac"

"I wish you would stop calling him that" Rory chuckled

"You called him that first" Logan pointed out

"Yeah but I did it when he was the size of a tic tac. Now it's just weird"

Logan just shrugged

"Hey why are the girls in our bed?"

"Em came in around 5:30 and I didn't think she'd go back to sleep in her own bed so I told her to climb up and I guess at some point Elle came in"

"Ok, then" He laughed "they still asleep?"

"Yup" Rory said, and sat down at the table with a bagel

"So how are you feeling?" Logan asked

"Pregnancy wise or because we're going to see the preschool the girls are going to in a few weeks?" Rory asked


"Well, tic tac was using my bladder as a trampoline all night so I kept having to get up to pee" Rory told him

"I know. I'm sorry" Logan rubbed her back

"And I thought I'd be more worried about the preschool thing but they'll be together and they seem excited"

"They are excited" Logan said "and they have another year before they actually need to start so if they don't like it they can stay home" he reminded her

"I know, but as nervous as I am for them to start I do think they need it. I mean they're 3 years old and reading"

"They take after you, Ace" he kissed her

"You should give yourself more credit" Rory told him

"Mama" Elle said, quietly walking into the kitchen

"Hi, baby" Rory hugged a sleepy Elle "are you ready to go see your school today?"

Elle nodded

"Here, Elle Belle" Logan put a plate with half a bagel and apple slices on the table for her

"Thank you" Elle said

"I'm gonna go get Em up" Rory said and went upstairs


"—and this will be their classroom" the preschool teacher said, finishing their tour

"Girls, this place looks so fun" Logan said "and look" Logan said pointing to a book display in the corner of the classroom

"Books!" Both girls shouted excitedly and ran to look at the books

"Do they like to hear stories?" Julia, the preschool teacher asked

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