I do

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Lorelai left the diner first, walking down the white aisle before taking her seat in the front row. Next we're Emily and Richard who took their seats next to Lorelai.
Logan and the wedding officiant appeared at the front of the aisle.
Honor walked down the aisle with Robert and they took their spots, standing on either side of where Logan was standing. Then Paris walked with Colin and they took their positions next to Robert and Honor. After that Lane, who was Rory's maid of honor and Finn who was Logan's best man walked town the aisle together and took the spots closest to where logan and Rory would be. Steve and kwan walked down the aisle with the rings, handed them to the officiant and took their seats next to Zach. Martha walked down next dropping flower petals in various blues as she walked, she reached the end of the aisle and stood next to Honor.

The music changed. Everyone turned their attention to the diner. The windows had been covered so nobody could see Rory before she came out.

"You ready kid?" Luke asked looking at Rory

Rory took a deep breath "just don't let me fall"

"Right back at you"

And they left the diner and started down the aisle. Rory's eyes immediately caught Logan's and she saw the beginnings of tears in his eyes when he say her. Luke and Rory reached the end of the aisle and Logan walked up to meet them.
Luke kissed Rory on the cheek, put her hand in Logan's and then went to sit next to Lorelai. Rory handed her bouquet to Lane.

"You look beautiful" Logan mouthed at Rory causing her to blush.

"Welcome to all of you, who have come to share in this important moment in the lives of Lorelai Leigh Gilmore and logan Elias Huntzberger." The officiant started "I ask you to join together in celebrating, acknowledging, and honoring this day and the vows that they will be making. By your presence, you witness and affirm the truth of their love and commitment to each other. Now I believe they've written their own vows" he looked at Logan who nodded

"Lorelai Gilmore...Rory...my Ace. I've loved you since the minute we stood on that tower 4 years ago. We barely knew each other then but at that moment I knew that I loved you and that I needed to be with you. You have made me a better man than I ever thought I could be and for that I am eternally grateful. You're the reason I want to get up in the morning. You're my life  vest when I feel like I'm drowning. I love you with everything that I have and with everything that I am. I never want to be without you. Today I choose to stand by your side as your partner and your equal and to spend the rest of my life loving you." 

People were sniffling and if they had looked away from each other for even a second Rory and Logan would have seen that there wasn't a dry eye in the audience.

"Logan..." Rory took a deep breath "you once told me that people can live a hundred years without ever really living for a minute, and I can honestly say that every minute I'm with you, I'm really living. You make me brave and strong. You support me in everything I do. You are my best friend and greatest confidant. I love you more than I ever thought I could love anyone. I promise to always be there for you whenever you need me. To encourage you and to support you. I love you so much and i can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you."

"Logan" the officiant said "do you take Rory to be your lawfully wedded wife?"

"I do" Logan said smiling at Rory

"Rory. Do you take Logan to be your lawfully wedded husband?" The officiant asked

"I do" Rory said with tears in her eyes

"You may now exchange these rings as a symbol of your never ending love for each other" the officiant said, handing Logan's ring to Rory and Rory's ring to Logan.

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