Meet the babies

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"Who else do we need to see before we go home?" Rory asked Logan who was changing Elle

"Finn, Colin and the gang. Honor and Josh. Your dad if you want, Paris and Doyle" Logan listed

"How about your parents?" Rory asked

"I don't want them to meet the girls unless I know there won't be yelling" Logan said

"What if we leave the babies with my mom for a few hours and go have lunch with them?" Rory suggested

"I'd be open to that"

"Good" Rory smiled and kissed his cheek "I want them to grow up knowing their family"

"I'll call my dad" Logan said

"I'm gonna get some coffee" Rory said and left the room

"Hey, kid" Lorelai said

"Hey mom" Rory sat down at the table

"What's with the face?"

"Logan and are are gonna have lunch with his parents" Rory sighed


"Yeah" Rory nodded

"You gonna bring the babies" Lorelai asked

"Definitely not" Rory laughed "but we are gonna tell them about the girls. So we were wondering if you'd watch them for a couple of hours"

"Of course" Lorelai smiled

"How does lunch with my parents, at 1 sound" Logan asked sitting next to Rory

"Nerve wracking" Rory joked


"Hello Logan. Rory" Mitchum greeted them when the walked up to the table where Mitchum and Shira were sitting

"Hi mom. Hi dad" Logan pulled out Rory's chair for her before sitting down

"Nice ring Logan" Mitchum said, being not so subtle

"Thanks dad" Logan said dryly and took Rory's hand

"Why did you call, Logan?" Mitchum asked "2 years ago you made it pretty clear you wanted nothing to do with us"

"We have to tell you guys something" Logan told them, nervously

"Oh, I knew it" Shira whined "she's pregnant"

"Not anymore" Rory chuckled, under her breath

"What was that?" Shira asked, sounding concerned "what does that mean?"

Logan looked at Rory who nodded

"Mom, dad" Logan took a deep breath "7 weeks ago Rory gave birth to our beautiful, twin girls"

Mitchum and Shira just stared at them blankly

"Uh..." Rory looked at Logan

"Mom? Dad?" Logan asked

"Where are they?" Mitchum asked

"What?" Logan furrowed his eyebrows

"These babies. Your..daughters. Where are they?"

"With my mom" Rory said

"Will we get to meet them?" Shira asked

"Depends" Logan said

"On?" Mitchum asked

"How the rest of this lunch goes" Logan told them

"What are their names?" Mitchum asked

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