The honeymoon

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Rory woke up in Logan's arms, and she turned around to face him.

"Good morning, Ace" Logan smiled and kissed her

"Morning" Rory yawned "what time is it?" She asked

"A little after 9" he told her "you hungry?"

"Starving" she sighed

"Wanna go down for breakfast?" He offered

"Yeah, I just have to shower first" she said.

Rory got out of bed and walked into the bathroom. Once she was in the shower, she heard the bathroom door open.

"Logan?" She asked

"Yeah, Ace?"

"What are you doing?"

"Joining you" he said smirking and he stepped into the shower


"Oh, well good morning you two" Lorelai said s Rory and Logan came down the stairs

"Hi Lorelai" Logan said

"Morning mom" Rory greeted her mother

"Sookie made lemon blueberry pancakes today" Lorelai told them "I made sure she saved you guys some"

"Thanks mom" Rory said.

Rory and Logan walked into the dining room

" Rory! Logan! You guys are up!" Sookie said excitedly when she saw them walk into the dining room

"Morning Sookie" Rory smiled

"You guys sit and I'm gonna get you guys some pancakes" Sookie said before running into the kitchen

"What's she so excited about?" Logan asked with a chuckle

"That's just Sookie" Rory laughed "she's been like that as long as I can remember"

"Ok, coffee and lemon, blueberry pancakes and bacon" Sookie said putting a plate and a mug in front of each of them

"Thanks Sookie" Rory smiled at her

"So" Lorelai said sitting down with Logan and Rory "when do you guys leave?"

"Around 1" Logan said

"And where are we going?" Rory asked

"Nice try, Ace" Logan smirked and Lorelai giggled

"Come on!" Rory whined "why won't you tell me?"

"Because that's no fun" he kissed her

"What can I say kid, you chose him" Lorelai joked


"You guys have everything?" Lorelai asked, as Logan and Rory were about to leave for their honeymoon

"Yup" Rory answered

"Everything?" Lorelai asked Rory quietly in a hinting tone, causing Rory to blush

"Yes, everything" Rory laughed and rolled here eyes "bye mom, see you in..." Rory trailed off and looked at Logan, realizing she doesn't know how long they were going for

"2 weeks" Logan said

"Bye guys" Lorelai said and hugged Rory "be safe. ok?"

"I promise. No windows" Rory giggled

"Not what I meant" Lorelai teased

"I know" Rory said "bye mom" and they left

"Do you wanna tell me what she was talking about?" Logan asked as the sat down in the car

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