May 2009

640 14 1

"Kid, you have got to stop ending up in the hospital" Lorelai said walking into Rory's hospital room at around 9pm

"Hi mom" Rory sighed

"What the hell happened?" Lorelai asked

"We had our 8 week checkup today, then we went to lunch, I got nauseous, threw up, world started spinning, and here we are" Rory explained

"So now what?" Lorelai asked, sitting down on the bed, next to Rory's feet

"I'm here for the night. They stuck a needle in my arm for hydration and nutrition or something like that and hopefully in the morning I get to go home " Rory said

"Ace, doctor" Logan said quietly, nudging Rory

"How we doing?" Dr Lee asked, walking into the room

"Better" Rory said

"Actually better? Or are you just telling me that so I'll let you go home?" Dr. Lee asked, raising an eyebrow

"Actually better" Rory said

"Well your latest blood work looks better. Assuming you aren't sick between now and tomorrow morning and you manage to keep breakfast down, you can leave in the morning" Dr. Lee told her

"Thank you, doctor" Logan said shaking her hand


"You wanna eat something?" Logan asked Rory as they walked into their apartment

"Carrot sticks?" Rory asked

"You get settled on the couch and I'll get them" Logan said

"I'm sorry. Did you just ask for carrots?" Lorelai asked, in shock

"Yes" Rory answered "do you have a problem with that"

"No. It's just that you never ate carrots. Ever" lorelai said

"Well now they're probably one of the only things I eat" Rory sighed

"Hey Ace?" Logan called out from the kitchen


"Finn wants to know if we wanna go out with the gang tomorrow night." He told her "you feeling up to it?"

"As long as it's not diner" Rory said

"Drinks?" Logan suggested


Lorelai spent the day in DC with Rory and Logan before she went home


"Look who decided to show up" Finn said when he saw Rory and Logan walk into the bar.

"Sorry we're late" Logan said

"My fault" Rory admitted. She had thrown up just as they were about to leave.

"So how's DC treating you guys?" Stephanie asked

"It's good" Logan said

"How's the Washington post?" Colin asked Rory

"Well, I was made managing editor" Rory told them

"That's amazing!" Stephanie said

"Can I get you guys anything to drink?" The waitress offered

"Scotch for the men" Finn said

"And martinis for the women" Stephanie added

"Actually I'll just have a club soda" Rory told the waitress

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