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March 11th 2019

"Please" Rory pleaded

"I'm sorry" the doctor said


"You have a fever" he reminded her "both you and the baby are extremely susceptible to infection right now. Letting you hold him or even be in the same room, puts you both at risk"

"What about my other kids?"

"How old are they?"

"9 and 5"

"Are they up to date on ask their vaccines? Including a flu shot sometime in the last 6 months?"

"They've had ask their vaccines"

"Then they can come visit you"


"You guys have to be very quiet and very calm when we go in there" Rory heard Logan telling the kids, outside her hospital room "you can't hug or touch your mom and she can't touch or hug you"

"Mommy" Em said as Logan and the 3 kids walked into the room

"Here, Em" Logan wheeled a stool up next to her so she could sit

"Hi, guys" Rory said, excitedly

"What happened?" Elle asked

"Your mom had something wrong inside her tummy so the doctors had to fix it" Logan said

"When are you gonna come home?" Em asked

"Probably not until next week" Rory told them

The kids stayed for a few more minutes before Logan took them home so Rory could sleep


"Dad?" Rory asked when she woke up to see Christopher in her room

"Hey, kiddo"

"What are you doing here?"

"What do you think I'm doing here?" Chris chuckled "how are you feeling?"

"Like I got hit by a truck" Rory joked

"How's the baby?"

"I'm not allowed to see him" Rory sighed

"What? Why?"

"He's at risk for infection. I'm at risk for infection. Too dangerous"

"So you haven't seen him at all?"

"I got to see him through the window and as soon as I don't have a fever I'll be allowed to see him properly"


"What else do you need?" Emily asked, walking around Rory's room "water, ice chips, juice?"

"I'm fine grandma" Rory assured her "sit, please"

"Fine. I'm sitting" Emily sat down "are you really, ok?"

"I think so" Rory sighed "I miss the kids and all I want is to hold the baby, but I'm ok"


March 12th 2019


Rory woke up to Logan sleeping, sitting on a stool next to her bed with his head resting on his arms on the bed.

"Logan" Rory whispered and ran her hand through his hair, causing Logan to jump

"What? I'm awake"

"Logan, you've been sitting there for 3 days. You need to sleep"

"I'm fine"


"I'm not leaving you, alone"

"Come here" Rory shifted to the side of the bed and patted the now empty space next to her

Logan climbed into bed with Rory and wrapped his arm around her. She laid her head on his shoulder and they both fell back asleep


"Well, isn't this a pretty picture" Lorelai said when she walked into the room

"Shhh" Rory shushed her

"That poor man has been driving himself crazy, between you and the kids" Lorelai chuckled

"I know"


March 17th 2019

"Please" Rory pleaded "it's been a week and I have held him"

The doctor looked at Rory's test results "ok"

"Really" Rory gasped

"Yup" the doctor smiled "someone will bring you a wheelchair and take you up to see him"


"Here you go" a nurse handed the baby to Rory

"He's so small" Rory whispered

"He's strong" Logan said "like his mom"


April 7th 2019

"We can really take him home today?" Rory asked

"You can really take him home" Dr Lee smiled "but you're still healing so you still have to be careful"

"I know"

"And Logan, you should do most of the picking up. Rory you can hold him but Logan should pick him up"

Rory and Logan both nodded


Later that night, Rory and Logan were sitting up in bed, Logan was feeding the baby a bottle.

"He's so quiet" Rory chuckled

"Dr Lee told us he probably would be" Logan reminded her

"I know, but I didn't think he'd be this quiet"

"Yeah" Logan agreed "we picked a good name though"

"I think so" Rory chuckled

"Evan Elias Huntzberger" Logan whispered

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